Title: 群眾智慧之社群諮詢互助引導應用機制
Consulting and Guidance Mechanism of Social Helping Based on Crowd Wisdom
Authors: 李嘉翎
Li, Jia-Ling
Li, Yung-Ming
Keywords: 群眾智慧;群眾外包;社會支持;社群網路;線上諮詢;心理問題;社群推薦;crowd wisdom;crowdsourcing;social support;social network;consultation;mental illness;recommendation
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 近年來,人們的生活遭遇許多煩惱跟壓力,隨著壓力跟負面情緒的累積、影響,有許多人遭受心理疾病的折磨;當人們遭遇心理障礙或艱難的困境時,需要有人聆聽、陪伴跟紓解,但是面臨心理層面問題所苦的人跟諮詢診療師的人數比,卻十分懸殊,專業人力資源的缺乏,難以對日常生活中,遭遇煩惱的人們提供足夠的協助;再者,有多數的人們對於面對面揭露心事跟煩憂感到羞愧或是尷尬,未尋求協助或診療,抑或傾向線上尋求協助。 因此,本篇論文利用社群網路的經驗分享,群眾以自身經歷提供面臨類似困境、煩惱的人建議跟協助,藉由群眾智慧的力量,緩解諮詢師人力資源稀少的問題,並透過社群推薦和信任機制,匯集、分析群眾的經驗分享、計算經驗相似度、社群關係及可靠度,讓人們可以更有效率地獲得有幫助的資訊,與值得信賴的諮詢者,提供線上諮詢互助引導,使得人們更願意敞開心房,向別人表達、抒發負面情緒,減少心理問題的惡化。
In recent years, people get more and more pressure in daily life. With the pressure and negative emotions, there are amount of people suffering from mental illness over the world. The people who are in a hard time or with psychological obstacle need someone to listen to them and give some advice or just accompanies, but there are not enough human resources to provide support. In addition, people do not ask for help proactively because of feeling shamed and embarrassed. Alternately, they tend to look for advice from others through social networks. In order to solve the issue of lacking consulters and encourage people to take the initiative to seek for help, we turn to take advantage of the power of crowd wisdom and social support. In addition, current online consultation is difficult to find suitable posts and consulters to make people require helpful supports and with no trust. In this research, we propose a consulting and guidance mechanism based on social networks, analyzing users’ posts, background, preference, similarity, and relationship, to provide proper recommendations and encourage experience sharing, and crowd consultation helping.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353424
Appears in Collections:Thesis