Title: 統包招標基本設計項目探討-以國中小學校舍為例
The Study of Basic Design Requirement on Tendering of Design-Build for Junior High and Primary Schools
Authors: 卓心庭
Cho, Hsin-Ting
Huang, Shyh-Chang
Keywords: D/B統包;建築師;基本設計;設計完成度;IPA矩陣分析;Design-Build;Architect;Basic Design;The Degree of Design Completion;IPA Analysis
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 政府採購法實施後,政府機關得以統包方式辦理招標,而國內統包實施辦法與建議執行手冊或文獻皆顯示招標前應完成綜合規畫或基本設計,但根據文獻回顧在執行統包工程時,基本設計因工程特性、業主專業能力而各有所不同,無一套標準規範,同時也提出明訂D/B統包案件投標時之設計完成度,可提升廠商對於品質、工期及成本之掌握。因此,本研究藉由以建築師為對象之專家問卷調查探討用途單純之國中小學建築,若以統包模式辦理,影響成本及工期之設計項目。經由統計分析與IPA矩陣分析概念,本研究交叉分析歸納出影響成本及工期最鉅之關鍵設計項目,以期提供國中小學校單位辦理統包招標及訂定需求時之參考。
After the procurement law was promulgated, the Design-Build method became one of the legal tendering procedures. The regulations for the implementation of Design-Build, and the related manuals and references of Design-Build issued by the government show that the concept or basic design should be finished at the pre-tender. However, according to references in the implementation of Design-Build projects, there are no standard basic design requirements because of the diversity of engineering properties. Those references also show that the specification of the degree of design completion in the tender documentation will improve the control of contractor to the quality, schedule and budget. This study uses the expert questionnaire survey of architects of junior high and primary schools, and through the statistical analysis and IPA analysis, the key design requirements affecting the schedule and budget most are established to the Design-Build projects of junior high and primary schools.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070351237
Appears in Collections:Thesis