标题: 上肢外骨骼机器人系统之设计、评估与实现
Design, Evaluation, and Implementation for the Upper-Limb Exoskeleton Robot System
作者: 杨尚原
Young, Shang-Yuan
Young, Kuu-Young
关键字: 外骨骼机器人;设计;机构;评估;Exoskeleton;Design;Mechanism;Evaluation
公开日期: 2016
摘要: 随着社会型态的变迁,老年人口增加、劳动人口短缺与医疗资源不足等问题逐一浮现,让外骨骼机器人成为国内外学者研究的重要议题。基于这样的背景,我们期望开发针对神经、运动功能受损者的上肢穿戴式外骨骼机器人。先前我们实验室已完成了上肢外骨骼机器人系统HAMEXO-I,以帮助使用者进行复健任务与完成日常生活工作,本论文进一步思考如何设计出功能更好、更适合使用者的机器人,我们从既有上肢外骨骼机器人的驱动器、机构框架、感测器、控制器等面向进行分析与归纳,进而开发出新的上肢外骨骼机器人HAMEXO-N。我们乃针对旧有系统问题改良,加入从分析求得的设计方法,再藉由实验来验证我们设计的机器人系统,并且以问卷方式呈现受测者使用HAMEXO-N的评价,整体结果展现出此系统具有未来发展与生活应用的可能性。
Along with the coming of elderly society, workforce shortage and insufficient medical resources become as a major concern. Exoskeleton robots thus become a focus of robotic researches. Based on it, we develop an upper-limb wearable exoskeleton robot for the patients with impaired nerves or motor functions. In the past, our laboratory has developed an upper-limb exoskeleton robot, named as HAMEXO-I, which is designed to assist the user for conducting rehabilitation tasks and activities in daily lives. As HAMEXO-I is not up to our expectation, in this thesis, we intend to design a better one. We thus analyze the upper-limb types of exoskeleton robots from the aspects of actuator, mechanical frame, sensors, and controllers, and come up with a new upper-limb exoskeleton robot, named as HAMEXO-N, which is much improved when compared with HAMEXO-I. Experiments are conducted to demonstrate the performance of HAMEXO-N. Evaluation based on the questionnaires on user response also validates its effectiveness. These results indicate that HAMEXO-N is with the potential for practical applications in daily lives.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070360062