標題: 高效能可撓式白光發光二極體之研究
Study on excellent performance of flexible white light-emitting diodes
作者: 塗軒豪
Tu, Hsien-Hao
關鍵字: 可撓式;面光源;白光發光二極體;flexible;white LEDs;panel light source
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 近年來,白光發光二極體越來越受到人們的重視,原因在於其優點有高效率、小體積、良好可靠性與節能,可以取代傳統燈源。延伸其應用,可撓式發光二極體可以改善生活中有許多產品,舉凡顯示器、照明、生醫與穿戴式裝置都有其可被大面積可撓式白光面光源所應用。 於第一部分的研究中,我們展示出可撓式發光二極體結合軟性基板與高分子材料薄膜產生可撓式的自然白光源與暖白光源,利用紫外光二極體激發高分子材料來產生白光,此白光在發光效率與色品質上都勝過量子點發光二極體,在演色性上有高達96、演色性(R9)也高達96的良好表現。 於第二部分的研究中,我們把擴散粒子參入柱狀結構發光二極體達到高效率、高光均勻性、高可靠度。相較於參考樣品,大面積柱狀結構發光二極體厚度減少到2釐米,發光效率提升29.5%,光均勻性提高44.6%,在撓折測試中,撓折次數有達到1000次,曲率半徑達到30釐米。
Nowadays, white light emitting diodes have received more attention in public due to the high luminous, small size, stable reliability, and energy saving. To further extend their usage, the large area flexible lighting source is one of the important directions which can extend the range of the applications such as the display, lighting, wearable device, and biomedicine. In the first section, the flexible LEDs with polymer shows the warm white and neutral white light. And the pumping source is used by the UV flip chip sticking process and combining with the polymer and QD films technology to yield white light. The CRI Ra (96) and CRI R9 (96) has been achieved of the polymer blended white flexible LEDs In the second section, the diffusion particles doped cylinder structure flexible white LED shows the excellent luminous, uniformity, and bending reliability. The large area cylinder structure flexible device was with the smaller thickness (2mm) and enhanced 29.5% of luminous efficiency and 44.6% of uniformity than reference sample. After the bending test, flexible white LED was below to 1000 times circles.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070350614