標題: 以GSim設計SDBR教學個案
Using GSim to Design a SDBR Instruction Case
作者: 翁珮珊
關鍵字: 局部效率;交期準確度;SDBR;Local efficiency;Due-date performance;SDBR
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 台灣積極發展資訊電子製造業,且由於美國訂單的大量釋出得以蒸蒸日上,且2014年美國富比士雜誌評選全球兩千大企業,其中台灣企業的前兩名:鴻海集團、台灣積體電路公司皆為資訊電子製造業,由此可知資訊電子製造業於台灣經濟的重要性,而幫助改善的議題也隨其蓬勃發展更顯重要。但是一般工廠管理人很容易落入「局部效率」的迷思,追求每個工作單位的最大輸出,而導致在製品堆積、員工混淆做錯訂單優先順序,最終影響工廠交期準確度。許多研究指出交期準確度是評估供應商好壞最主要的因素之一,我們應該盡可能提高工廠交期準確度,如此才得以提高客戶滿意度並獲取更多利益。儘管許多學術論文研究結果及企業個案導入實例都一再證明以TOC(限制理論)為基礎所發展出的生產排程規劃方法─SDBR能夠幫助工廠在短時間內提升其交期準確度,不過SDBR在台灣仍然鮮為人知,主要原因之一是業者對於此方法的應用方式並不熟悉,因此本研究將以GSim設計SDBR教學個案,透過此教學個案讓業界人士熟悉SDBR的應用方法。 本教學個案將生產管理流程拆解成產能評估、物料需求計劃、計算Buffer和預估投料時間四個步驟,逐步講解搭配軟體輔,幫助學習者快速理解、吸收。期望透過本教學個案讓學習者可以實際應用SDBR方法於實務中,改善生產管理績效,降低操作負擔,進而提升台灣製造業的競爭力。
Taiwan has flourishing Electronic Parts and Components Manufacturing. Because of the orders from America, we had a lot of progress in this field. The American magazine《Forbes》published 2014 global 2000 companies. Among the list, the top two of Taiwanese company are Hon Hai Precision and Taiwan Semiconducto Manufacturing Company Limited. Both are Electronic Parts and Components Manufacturing. It allowed us to know that it has great influence on Taiwanese economy and it’s important to improve it. However, there are lots of managers pursuing the maximum output of each work unit, which called local efficiency in this thesis, and it will only lead to increase WIP, raise the rate of confounding the priority of orders by the employees and decrease due-date performance of factory. Many research indicated that due-date performance was one of major factors to evaluate supplier. So we have to increase due-date performance as we can and enable the factory to satisfy customers and get more benefits. Although many research and application cases showed that SDBR which is based on TOC(Theory of Constraints) could help factory improve their due date performance in a short period of time, SDBR is still rarely known in Taiwan. One of the main reasons is that the managers in Taiwan are unfamiliar with SDBR application. As a result, this study uses GSim to design a SDBR instruction case, which allow managers be familiar with it. This study divides the production management process into four parts, including “analyze resource utilization”, “resource demand planning”, “calculate buffer”, and “estimate release time”. Writer explains the above four parts with simulator assistance. Writer expects this study can help learners have a clearly understanding of SDBR, popularize the method of SDBR, which learners could apply in workplaces, improve production management performance and enhance manufacturing competitiveness in Taiwan.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070253309
Appears in Collections:Thesis