標題: 傾轉式雙軸無人機設計與實現
Tilt 2-Axis Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Design and Realization
作者: 蔡國棟
Tsai, Kuo-Tung
Chieng, Wei-Hua
Cheng, Shi-Long
關鍵字: 無人機;UAV
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 多軸旋翼式無人機近年來蓬勃發展,市面上已經販售許多多軸式無人機,這類的無人機主要應用於空拍,然滯空時間受限於電池或是燃料容量,且水平移動速度緩慢,這大幅降低其可移動距離。而與旋翼機不同的是一般飛機具有較高的移動能力,在同樣燃料的條件下可移動距離較長,但缺點是對於定點式探察能力則較差。
Multi-axis Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has been wildly researched recently, and there have been many commercial products such as Quadrone, draganFly, etc. These types of UAV are often applied to take pictures or videos from sky.
However, the hover time is directly related to the battery time, which means the UAV can not stay in the air too long, nor go too far. In some special missions, the large cruising range is needed.
In order to compensate the limitation of battery life, the tilt 2-Axis Unmanned Aerial Vehicle will combine both advantages of higher travel speed and hover ability, which means it can achieve the goal of rapid response for emergency situation and special mission at the same time.
Natural disaster happens more frequently in recent years. An UAV equipped with the tilt axis function can provide better performance for rescue tasks.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070351094