標題: 記筆記與參考筆記對文本理解與論述表現的影響
Effects of note-taking and reference to notes on text comprehension and writing performance
作者: 鍾仲萱
Chung, Chung-Hsuan
Horng, Ruey-Yun
關鍵字: 記筆記;參考筆記;文本理解;論證結構;寫作表現;note-taking;reference to note;text comprehension;argument structure;writing performance
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本研究的目的在探討記筆記的方式與參考筆記對文本理解與論述表現的影響。受試者主要以國立交通大學的碩士生為主,招募的158位受試者被隨機分配到2(筆記方式:自由筆記、大綱提示筆記)× 2(筆記參考:有筆記參考、無筆記參考)與控制組(不做筆記且無筆記參考)共五組實驗情境之中,隨機閱讀一個研究上尚具有爭議的議題(失智症的傳染性、氣候僵局的解決辦法)的內容。文本理解是以自由回憶的命題內容來衡量;論述表現是以受試者對文章所發表的評論與論述的結構來評估。有記筆記的組別在閱讀文章時被要求以自由記錄的方式或按大綱提示記錄該文重點。無記筆記的控制組則用心閱讀文章且不可在文章上做任何標記或書寫。文章閱讀後5分鐘,進行文章內容的自由回憶,接著受試者要對該議題發表自己同意或不同意該主張的見解。在論述作業中,閱讀時有記筆記的一半受試者可參考當初自己記下的筆記內容,另一半則否。受試者的自由回憶、對文中主張所發表支持與批判的論點數及其論證結構等資料分析。結果發現,記筆記可增加受試者在自由回憶中對文中巨觀命題的正確回憶量,並有效提升對文本情境模式的理解程度,但筆記方式對文本理解沒有影響。論述資料上顯示,大綱提示筆記可顯著提升受試者在論述時的論證結構的品質,有大綱提示的筆記組在論證結構上的表現優於自由筆記組,自由筆記組與控制組間則無顯著差異。論述時參考筆記對於論述結構則無影響。
One hundred and fifty-eight undergraduate and graduate students were randomly assigned to the 2 (conventional note-taking vs. outline note-taking) × 2(reference to notes vs. non-reference to notes)and a control group (reading only) experimental conditions. The note-taking groups were instructed to take notes while reading an expository text (the contagion of Dementia or the solution to climate change). Text comprehension was measured by free recall after reading. After free recall, subjects were asked to express their opinion about the issue and argue for their own position. Half of the note-taking participants could refer to their notes while writing. The other half of them wrote without notes. The number of arguments and argument structure were used to evaluate the quality of the writing. Results showed that text comprehension in terms of the number of correct macro-propositions and understanding of situation model was enhanced by note-taking, regardless of note-taking methods. The data on writing task showed that participant’s argument structure was significantly better when argument outline were provided as a guide in note-taking. However, note-taking had no effects on participant’s acceptance or rejection of the claim in the text.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353325
Appears in Collections:Thesis