Title: 應用3D-IPA改善電子商務跨境物流服務
Applying 3D-IPA to Improve Cross-Border Logistics Service for E-Commerce
Authors: 江立維
Chiang, Li-Wei
Chen, Mu-Chen
Keywords: 電子商務;跨境物流;服務品質;3D-IPA;忠誠度;TRI*M Grid;E-Commerce;Cross-Border Logistics;Service Quality;3D-IPA;Royalty;TRI*M Grid
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 網路購物已逐漸挑戰傳統零售商的銷售管道,隨著跨境電子商務發展日趨成熟,各國貿易障礙降低,許多第三方物流業者紛紛投入於電子商務跨境物流市場。第三方跨境物流業者整合國內運輸及配送、倉儲、通關及跨境運輸等物流項目,資源配置繁雜。而企業要永續經營,除了提供客戶需要的服務內容,維持一個舊客戶比開創一個新客戶可創造更多的效益。一個忠誠的舊客戶除了會繼續使用服務,也會將服務介紹給其他人。 由於顧客對於跨境物流需求日益升高,第三方物流業者之服務品質實為各物流業者致力改善的目標。在眾多的服務項目中,如何判斷那些服務是顧客最重視的?哪些服務是最需要優先改善的?而那些服務是可以調整資源投入的?是否所有令人滿意的服務都能使客戶願意繼續使用?物流業者提供的眾多服務當中,提供那些服務,最能吸引顧客再次使用? 為了瞭解物流業者應如何投入資源改善服務,本研究以修改傳統IPA模型之3D-IPA模型分析。3D-IPA既保留傳統IPA模型的重要性及績效二維矩陣,亦以第三面向之隱性重要度分析品質動因元素。再以TRI*M矩陣分析重要性與忠誠度影響的關係,以建立物流業者之市場策略。 本研究將整合3D-IPA及TRI*M矩陣提出改善電子商務跨境物流服務的建議及資源配置順序,以利物流業者提供更符合顧客期望的服務進而創造利潤。
Due to E-commerce grow up rapidly and cross-border barries eliminated, more and more third-party Logistics(3PL) service providers enter this market. 3PL provide cross-border Logistics service which integrated inland tranportation, warehouse, Customs formality, cross-border transportation, etc. The resource allocation is complex. For sustainable development, maintaining an old customer will generate more benefit than creating a new customer. An old royalty customer is not only have retention but also royalty by word of month. As the demand of cross-border Logistics increased, the 3PL have to improve their service quality. There are so many service attributes. How to identify which attribute is most importance? Which attribute is priority to be improved? Which attribute is able to adjust the resource invested? Is customer's retention caused by all the satisfied service attributes? Which attribute is able to attract customer's retention? In order to realize how 3PL adjust the resource, this thesis use the modified IPA model which call 3D-IPA. 3D-IPA is not only remain importance and performance dimensions but also add implicit importance to be the third dimension. And then use TRI*M grid to identify the relationship between the importance and the impact of royalty. This thesis integrated 3D-IPA and TRI*M grid and propose the stratgies. Those stratgies improve cross-border Logistics service quality for E-Commerce and organize the resource allocation in order to creat profit for 3PL.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363625
Appears in Collections:Thesis