Title: 結合感性工學與文字探勘於跨境電商物流服務設計
Integrating Kansei Engineering and Text Mining to Design Logistics Service of Cross Border E-Commerce
Authors: 廖唯茜
Liao, Wei-Chien
Chen, Mu-Chen
Hsiao, Yu-Hsiang
Keywords: 跨境電子商務物流服務;文字探勘;感性工學;Cross Border E-Commerce Logistics Service;Kansei Engineering;Text Mining
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 現今資訊科技不斷進步,網際網路以及智慧型攜帶裝置的普及使用對人類的生活產生重大影響。跨境電子商務物流業屬物流服務產業的一環,自近年來跨國電子商務興起,跨境電商物流服務(Logistics Service of Cross Border E-Commerce)扮演舉足輕重的角色。
本研究以感性工學(Kansei Engineering)設計無形性商品─跨境電子商務物流服務,結合文字探勘(Text Mining)方法,從網路蒐集有關跨境電商物流服務之描述以及消費者意見,篩選出消費者感知與產品特性,並用偏最小平方法(Partial Least Square, PLS)分析兩者之間的關聯性,以及感性與購買意願、特性與購買意願之關聯性。
Nowaday, it’s very convenient to shop online. Cross Border E-Commerce means to buy something on the website of other country. Buyers and sellers communicate with each other through the online shopping website. The logistics service of cross border e-commerce become more important and it influence the impressions or evaluation of sellers.
More and more people get used to use the Internet to search information and share their daily life. Also, they share thier reflections about products. Those reflections spread quickly and widely in form of digital text. It may rich in much of commercial value.
This reseach integrated kansei engineering and text mining to design logistics service of cross border e-commerce. The main idea is to apply text minig to find Kansei and product property and use partial least square (PLS) to find the relationship between product property, kansei and usage intention.
Also, the text minig method has applied on correlation analysis, too. Using the result above, the important product items and the kansei of logistics service of cross border e-commerce could be listed and ranked. Finaly, the advices of service desigh could be gived.
Appears in Collections:Thesis