Title: 應用線上評論探勘發展共享經濟之物流服務
Applying Online Review Mining to Develop Sharing Economy Based Logistic Services
Authors: 羅巧容
Lo, Chiao-Jung
Chen, Mu-Chen
Hsiao, Yu-Hsiang
Keywords: 共享經濟;文字探勘;最後一哩物流服務;感性工學;sharing economy;Text Mining;last mile logistic services;Kansei Engineering
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 全球電子商務的持續增長,快速發展的電子商務衍生出龐大商機也使的直接配送貨件至顧客手中之運送需求大幅增加,最後一哩物流業現今正面臨互相競爭的階段,除了傳統的物流產業外更出現主張群眾外包的共享經濟最後一哩物流服務,為了減少閒置資源的浪費,顧客透過線上平台或應用程式配對有時間的群眾來運送貨物,達到更有效率的最後一哩物流,其所提供的服務項目以及服務給予顧客的感受,不但影響顧客的評價,後續更影響他人在物流規劃上的決策,現今更多的顧客在使用產品/服務前,從網路評價或是討論文章來決定是否消費,因此物流服務業者也十分注重顧客的線上評論。
Around the world, electronic commerce continues to grow. Because of the huge business opportunity in e-commerce so that the needs of direct delivery increased significantly. The industry of last mile logistics is facing a stage of competing with each other. In addition to traditional last mile logistics a number of sharing economy based last mile logistic services have emerged which working by crowdsourcing. In order to reduce the waste of idle resources, the online platform or app of the service enable customers who matched their demand and the supply from the idle deliver. Also it can achieve a more efficient way in last mile logistics. The services and the customer’s feeling provided by services both not only affect the customers’ review but the others decisions in the logistics planning. Today, more customers refer to reviews left by individuals who have previously purchased the product to guide their buying decisions before they use the service or product. So the logistics service industry also attaches great importance to customer's online reviews.
This research based on service design and integrated Kansei Engineering and text mining to design sharing economy based last mile logistics service. Kansei Engineering can transform customer’s kansei into real product or service property. Text mining technology can reduce the time and labor cost of traditional Kansei Engineering. Finally, find out the rule of sharing economy logistic service to suggest logistic industry join new elments or improve the existing services, and provide managers as a basis for strategic reference.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453667
Appears in Collections:Thesis