Title: | 應用感性工學與文字探勘於飯店服務發展 Applying Kansei Engineering and Text Mining to Hotel Service Development |
Authors: | 林銘科 陳穆臻 蕭宇翔 Lin, Ming-Ke Chen, Mu-Chen Hsiao, Yu-Hsiang 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 飯店服務發展;感性工學;文字探勘;Hotel service development;Kansei Engineering;Text Mining |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 隨著社會經濟的發展,國民所得提升,加上網際網路蓬勃發展,資訊流通快速,交通便利性與國家間的政策,觀光旅遊已成為全世界的趨勢。龐大的觀光旅遊人數帶來許多商機,例如提升飯店住房率,且根據交通部觀光局統計,截至2015年8月,旅館家數與去年同期相比,成長了1.036%,種種證據顯示飯店產業值得被探討。現今消費者可以透過網路直接發佈對飯店經驗的評論,消費者線上評論可能就變成影響消費者旅遊規劃上選擇飯店的關鍵因素。這些大量由消費者產生的資訊也提供餐旅業對消費者行為統計推論機會。本研究預計找出顧客對飯店服務最重視的感性與特性,接著再分析消費者的感性需求與服務特性之間的關聯,從中找出貼近顧客需求之飯店服務規則,給予飯店業服務發展建議。 本研究預計以新服務發展為架構,結合感性工學與文字探勘技術進行飯店服務發展,感性工學提供將顧客的感性轉換成實體產品或服務特性的方法,目前感性工學大部分皆應用於設計實體產品或可視產品,較少以服務性產品設計為議題之研究或實例,符合消費者感性需求的服務設計亦為重要。本研究應用感性工學結合文字探勘發展符合消費者感性需求的飯店服務,透過文字探勘技術降低傳統感性工學研究時間或人力成本,提高分析精確度。本研究探討感性用語、服務特性以及兩者之間的關聯,找出其服務規則。最終以消費者的角度為服務發展出發點,建立飯店服務規則以及提出飯店服務發展建議。 Because of the social and economic development, the rise of GDP and the Internet become more popular. This cause tourism become a worldwide trend. Huge visitors bring a lot of business opportunities, such as increase the hotel occupancy rate. All kinds of evidence shows that the hotel industry deserves to be explored. Nowaday, consumers can use internet to share their hotel experience online. This huge information give hospitality a opportunity to find what kind of service is consumer most talking about. The reseach is expected to identify the most important customer's Kansei and service property, and analyzed the associated between Kansei and service property. Also, this reseach is expected to use new services development as framework. Kansei Engineering can transform customer’s kansei into real product or service property. Kansei Engineering are currently used in most of the physical product design or visual products, because it is important to meet customer’s expect. Text mining technology can reduce the time of traditional kansei Engineering, and increase the rate of analyze accuracy. Finally, find out the rule of hotel service development to give hotel industry development suggest. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353664 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/138362 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |