標題: 設計中的浮動意象──以玻璃為主媒材的設計創作
The Floating Imagery in Design - The Creation by Using Glass as the Main Material.
作者: 傅亮福
Poh, Liang-Hock
Lin, Ming-Huang
關鍵字: 浮動意象;超現實主義;情感設計;玻璃;肥皂泡;floating imagery;surrealism;emotional design;glass;soap bubble
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 從六零年代起世界經濟發展進入全盛時期,社會資源越來越豐碩,人的選擇也變得越來越多,消費市場日趨多元化,現代主義中過於關注工業機器生產的僵固思想已受到挑戰。受到後現代主義的影響,設計文化進入了注重多元社會價值、內在精神、情感傳達、在地文化發揚等自由創作的階段,成為了當今後現代主義的豐富樣貌。 為探討玻璃材質創作中的浮動意象,本論文研究首先透過文獻來認識設計史的演變、超現實主義可能的影響力、漂浮游移的各種現象、設計中的情感傳遞以及玻璃材質的特性,蒐集近代設計師的相關作品並實際參與玻璃創作的學習課程。 最終,以四件玻璃材質為主且具有浮動意象的實體作品形式呈現研究成果,分別為:(一)午間時光──以玻璃吹製技法再現肥皂泡的隨機形態,模糊了的時鐘功能性,描繪出每個人心中不同的時間感,如同肥皂泡般絢麗而脆弱的特質表達時間的稍縱即逝;(二)手心的世界──雙層玻璃接合設計,手掌的抓持感與盛裝的份量感不盡相同,因而產生心理上微妙的感受,看似得到的多實則很少,隱喻人與環境的關係;(三)過境──吹製的仿肥皂泡玻璃偏離燈具的中心位置,想像吊燈可能具有的自身生命力,如同肥皂泡在空氣中緩緩飄動著;(四)蝕間──烤軟的平板玻璃罩子試圖模擬時間「溢出」鐘體的狀態,再加上軸心錯位的指針設計,欲呈現出具有生命力的時間在牆上飄移的流動感。
After the economic development reaching its heyday, the social resource is becoming much richer and the consumer market is getting diversified. The rigid ideology of modernism that much concerned with industrial machinery production has been challenged. Under the influence of postmodernism, especially concern with surrealism more freedom and enable designers to focus on the value of a pluralistic society, expression of inner spirit, emotion communication, local culture promotion, etc. In order to create the floating imagery in design by using glass, this thesis reviews the relevant works in design history, finding out the possible impacts of surrealism, phenomena of floating, emotional expression in design, and process of producing glass pieces. Eventually, four works presenting floating imagery are displayed, they are (1) The Midday Time, the random form of soap bubble made of blown glass. It blurs the function of clock and depicts the intangible senses of time which exists our mind. The beautiful and fragile appearance looks as a soap bubble and expresses the fleeting nature of time. (2) The World in the Palm, a double glazing-layer design. The feature makes the feeling of gripping in the palm different from the measure of weight, and leads causes the subtle psychological feeling. It is a metaphor about human and environment telling that we get less than expect. (3) Transiting, a bubble-look blown glass is locating on the edge far from the center of lamp. This chandelier speaks the vitality of its own, just look like a soap bubble slowly floating in the air. (4) The spilling time, a grilled-flat glass cover. It attempts to symbolize that the time is over-spilling from the body of clock. Its hand’s axial of clock is displaced away from the center of clock. These indicate the moment of time drifting on the wall.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070059224