標題: 「你是王嗎?」—跨媒體藝術創作論述
〝ARE YOU THE KING?〞 The Creation and Exploration of Intermedia Art
作者: 徐德寰
Der-Houg Shou
Tien-Chun Chang
關鍵字: 跨媒體藝術;超現實主義;前衛/藝術搖滾;創作樂團;Intermedia Art;Surrealism;Progressive/Art Rock;Band
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 在當代藝術多元化的蓬勃發展下,擴大了藝術家所思考及欲表達的內容,單一形態的作品不再足以呈現其理念,由此進而發展出跨媒體藝術的整合表現形式,此種將同一中心思想概念結合多方面平台的藝術表現,不僅滿足了藝術家本身的創作欲望之呈現,更拉近了作品與觀賞者之間溝通與傳達的距離。 藉由拾參樂團創作專輯「你是王嗎?」來反問自身關於欲望與追尋的意義,並利用跨媒體的藝術表現結合音樂、影像與舞台裝置,呈現出一個超現實夢境世界的藝術舞台。本文於文獻中整理超現實主義、跨媒體藝術、前衛/藝術搖滾中相關論述以及相關作品表現形式,並以此為創作發想之基礎。 本創作以超現實主義的風格與跨媒體藝術的表現形式為架構,發展出一系列包含音樂創作、繪畫、平面設計、動態影像、舞台立體裝置等相關作品,並將重心放在樂團現場表演時的整體呈現,打破單一媒體的表現形式,展現當代藝術多元化的獨特美學。
Vigorous development of diverse forms of contemporary art allows for tremendously expanded freedom for the ideas an artist can consider and express. A single medium no longer sufficiently presents artists’ ideas. In response, intermedia art has been developed. This kind of artistic performance with unified concept and multiple media not only satisfies the artists’ desire of creation, but also increases communication and transmission between the artworks and the viewers. Through the special edition album “Are you the King?”, the artist 13 Band challenged itself on the meaning of desire and seeking, and presented an ultra-realistic dreamland via an artistic intermedia performance combining music, images, and stage setup. Through literature review of Surrealism, intermedia art, and Progressive/Art Rock as well as the correlating work manifestations, new kinds of intermedia artworks were explored and created. These art pieces adopt the style of surrealism and the framework of intermedia art. A series of correlated works are presented: music, drawings, graphic designs, dynamic images, and three-dimensional stage installations. The live performance integrated media unfolds the diverse, unique aesthetics of contemporary art.


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