標題: 戰後臺北市中華商場的外省流離經驗與地方記憶(1950-2001)
Diasporic Experiences and Memories of Place of Mainlander Chinese in Taipei’s Zhonghua Market (1950-2001)
作者: 嚴勳業
Yen, Hsun-Yeh
Huang, Shaw-Herng
Chien, Mei-Ling
關鍵字: 中華商場;日常空間;都市計畫論述;地方與國族記憶;外省流離社群;Zhonghua Market;Space of Everyday Life;Discourse of Urban Planning;Memories of Place and Nation;Chinese Diaspora
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究考掘臺北市中華商場建成、繁盛、拆除前後之歷程,探討當地外省商戶日常空間的實踐中展現出另類的流離經驗。中華商場從建成到拆除共歷經30年(1961-1992),並伴隨著臺北市進入消費社會的軌跡。本研究欲探討三個面向:第一,藉由史料考掘,釐清中華商場建成、拆、遷的爭論;次者,觀察70至80年代臺灣進入消費社會後,商場商戶口述的記憶,重構中華商場受都市治理者論述遮蔽的常民歷史;其三,中華商場拆除後,田野觀察與民族誌書寫成為考察中華路現存商家之實質取徑,以外省流離社群相關的飲食為引子,討論商戶敘事中的地方記憶與中華商場周邊區域地方感之轉變。藉以上三者,筆者欲理解中華商場在國民黨政府統治下,從起初重要現代化都市地標的宣稱,經歷30年後,為何在公部門新的都市論述中再次成為都市之瘤。商場建築體現了常民與政權間的擷頏:外省流離社群在此謀生建搭棚戶的違章建築,挑戰了現代都市的衛生、乾淨、安全特徵。相較居住為主的眷村聚落形式,商場的消費空間是另類的外省揉雜區域。透過分析中華商場鑲嵌於空間的社會關係與歷史,理解現代性在臺北都市生活的日常展現;以及在不同權力位置的論述中非常與日常之間的張力。
This research focuses on Zhonghua Market area in Taipei, its establishment, flourishing and demolishment, as well as the alternative experiences to local Chinese diaspora and spatial pracitces in Taipei. Zhonghua Market was built in 1961 and demolished in 1992; during the period of 31 years, it had played an important role in the development of consumer society in Taipei. This research will discuss three aspects. First of all, I would like to clarify the argument on the establishment and demolishment/relocation of Zhonghua Market. The second part includes oral history from the residing merchants when the consumer society emerged in the 1970s and 1980s, and a people’s history of Zhonghua Market is reconstructed, overriding the statement of authorities. Thirdly and not lastly, after Zhonghua Market was demolished, the remaining merchants of Zhonghua Market are often examined through fieldwork and ethnography, but I would like to discuss narrations from them and the sense of place around this area through the preferred food of Chinese diaspora. From the three aspects, this search investigates how Zhonghua Market as a modernized urban landmark was later declared an obstacle to urban renewal from the KMT government’s perspective. The market building embodied the conflict between people and authorities. The Chinese diaspora built shacks, which were not licensed buildings, and they presented a challenge to hygiene and security. Zhonghua Market was also different from resident villages designed for military dependents, and represented a kind of hybridity in the commercial space. By analyzing the social relationship and history embedded in Zhonghua Market, this research presents the modernity of daily life in Taipei, and the tension of abnormal conditions and everyday life in various power positions.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079853502