DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorWeng, Chen-Yuen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Hui-Pingen_US
dc.description.abstract2015年初,兼具通訊軟體及社群媒體功能的LINE公司宣布,將以娛樂及生活為兩大主軸,打造成使用者的生活行動入口;同時,也順勢推出影音平台LINE TV,不僅買進韓劇版權,亦與台灣多家電視台合作,播放偶像劇。此外,LINE TV也提供韓國LINE的自製節目,企圖擴充平台功能和內容的豐富性。 LINE TV上線一個多月,即在Google Play商店累積超過百萬的下載次數。為深入瞭解使用者對於LINE TV的採用因素,本研究以延伸整合型科技接受模式(the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, UTAUT2)下的六個面向−績效期望、努力期望、社群影響、便利條件、享樂動機和習慣,以及數位生活型態概念作為研究架構,檢驗影響使用者採用LINE TV的因素以及數位生活型態對於行為意向或使用意向間的影響。 本研究採用網路問卷調查法,總共取得776份有效問卷。結果指出,「績效期望」、「便利條件」、「享樂動機」及「習慣」皆對使用意向有顯著影響,惟「努力期望」及「社群影響」無顯著影響,而「行為意向」亦對「使用行為」有顯著影響。同時,不同數位生活型態在使用LINE TV的行為意向上也有差異。在數位生活型態集群中,娛樂新奇型的LINE TV使用意向在三個集群中最高,而科技疑慮型之LINE TV使用意向則為三者中最低。 本研究在理論上的貢獻是,發現UTAUT2可以應用於解釋不同類型的新科技採用行為。包括本研究所探討的娛樂科技。同時,本研究也提供瞭解影響LINE TV的使用因素,這方面的研究發現並具有行銷管理意涵。通訊及社群平台管理者可利用不同因素的優勢,提升使用者的採用意向。另外,數位生活型態的探討,對於影音串流平台的經營實務也提供啟發。管理階層可依不同族群的特性,推出與其關心議題相關的節目,或提供更多層面的服務。例如,設計具社交娛樂性質的功能,讓使用者在觀看影音同時,也能於線上聊天互動,並藉由多樣化的內容提升使用者的行為意向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn early 2015, LINE, a communication software and social media company, announces that its goal is to creat a mobile portal of entertainment and life for users. At the same time, LINE launches “LINE TV”, a video streaming platform broadcasting Korean dramas, Taiwan dramas and some TV programs made by Korea. It aims to do the best for its platform and content. After launching LINE TV for one month, the app of ” LINE TV” has been downloaded for more than one million times. This study uses the concept from the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) , including performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, and habit as well as digital lifestyle to investigate factors affecting users’ adoption of LINE TV. This study conducts a Web survey to collect data. In total, 776 questionnaires have been successfully collected. Results show that performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, hedonic, motivation and habit all significantly predict users’ behavioral intention. Additionally, different digital lifestyles also show different impact on users’ behavioral intention. This study shows that the UTAUT2 model can be applied to different types of new technologies, including entertainment technologies. This study also provides managerial implications. Management personnel of LINE TV or other video streaming platforms can make good use of the results to adjust features of their platforms to increase users’ adoption. They can also launch different types of programs or provide greater varieties of services based on the digital lifestyles of user groups. For example, they can increase more social entertainment functions on platforms by designing new online chatting room for users to interact while watching videos.With these pluralistic contents and designs, platforms may enhance users’ adoption intention.en_US
dc.subjectLINE TVzh_TW
dc.subjectdigital lifestyleen_US
dc.subjectLINE TVen_US
dc.subjectvideo streaming platformen_US
dc.title以延伸整合型科技接受模式和數位生活型態探討LINE TV的使用行為zh_TW
dc.titleA Study of LINE TV Usage Based on the UTAUT2 Model and Digital Lifestyle Theoryen_US