標題: 基於導引力場的虛擬人群動畫建構
Animating Virtual Crowds Based on Navigation Fields
作者: 蔡宗祐
Tsai, Tsung-Yu
Wong, Sai-Keung
Wang, Yu-Shuen
關鍵字: 人群;人群模擬;導引力場;Crowd;Crowd Simulation;Navigation Field
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 導引力場對於引導虛擬人群移動而言是個相當普遍的資料結構;然而,當密度高的人群依著導引力場進行移動時,在障礙物轉角的部分會發生阻塞的現象,即使轉角附近還有足夠的空間可以讓人群遠離阻塞區域,人群還是有可能會擠在角落而造成阻塞。在這篇論文中,我們提出一個新方法解決人群阻塞的問題,人群監測器被放置在各個障礙物的角落並蒐集人群移動的方向及人群密度等資訊,而導引路徑動態地引導人群避開擁擠的區域。我們也提出了一個簡單的資料結構,加速人群和障礙物之間的碰撞偵測過程,從實驗結果可以看到我們的方法成功地解決角落擁擠的問題,且我們所提出的資料結構可以提高碰撞偵測的效率。
Navigation fields are a popular data structure for directing the movement of virtual crowds. However, the congestion problem may occur at corners of objects in using a navigation field as the agents move quite closely to each other. The agents may congest at the corners even though there is room for the agents to move away from the congested regions. In this paper, we propose an approach to overcome the congestion problem. Crowd monitors are placed at the corners to collect the data such as the movement direction of crowds and crowd densities. Then the guidance paths are adjusted dynamically to lead the crowds to move away from the congested regions. We also propose a simple data structure for speeding up the collision detection process between agents and objects. Experimental results show that our approach successfully alleviates the congestion problem at the corners. The proposed data structure can speedup the process of collision detection.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356617