標題: 以代理人為基礎之合作型任務人群模擬系統
A crowd simulation system for agent-based cooperative tasks
作者: 周易宏
Chou, Yi-Hung
關鍵字: 人群模擬;以代理人為基礎;合作型任務;crowd simulation;agent-based;cooperative tasks
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本論文提出一個新的人群模擬方法來處理關於代理人群間合作型任務。 我們的架構包含了兩種代理人,行人與工作者。 合作型任務需要兩人以上的工作者同時的對目標物件實施指定之動作以合力完成指定之作業。 在我們的架構中,包含了一些基本的合作行為,例如:將障礙物推離、將貨物抬起並搬至目的地、利用繩子拖動物件。 利用指定工作者們各種基本的合作行為,便可以拼湊出一個較為複雜的連續或者平行執行的任務。 我們模擬出了當工作者們加入或離開合作型任務時所該有的適當隊形變化,還有移動物件時繞離障礙物的行為,也對於行人模擬出了碰撞避免與讓路的情形。 我們的架構也將會對於工作者們融入能量消耗的概念以達成多元化的結果。 我們演示了各種不同合作型任務的範例。我們的架構可用於電影製作、人群逃生模擬、故事敘事系統、事件規劃與電子遊戲中。
This thesis presents a novel agent-based approach to handling cooperative tasks in crowd simulation. Our framework consists of two kinds of agents: pedestrians and workers. A cooperative task requires two or more workers to simultaneously perform actions on objects. The workers should cooperate with each other to finish the task. This framework considers several basic cooperative behaviors including pushing obstacles away from blocked exits, lifting cargos and carrying them to a destination, and pulling objects using ropes. A complex task may be decomposed into several simple tasks and the simple tasks are finished either in a sequential or parallel order. Our framework also simulates crowd behaviors such as workers joining and leaving cooperative tasks, moving objects around obstacles, collision avoidance for pedestrians, and way giving. Our framework incorporates energy consumption for the workers, thereby generating diversified outcomes. We demonstrate examples for simulating different cooperative behaviors. Our framework can be applied to movies, crowd evacuation, narrative systems, task planning simulation and games.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070456607