標題: 建構主動式評估選擇與改進之決策模型
Proactive decision model for evaluation, selection, and improvement
作者: 李文毅
Lee, Wen-Yi
Hung, Chih-Young
關鍵字: 廠址選擇;主動式決策模型;反傾銷政策;改善機制;持續性研究;Location selection;Proactive decision model;Anti-dumping policy;Improvement mechanism;On-going study
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 廠址選擇主要是探討一系列的問題,像是資源分配、利益最大化與成本最小化。近年來,如何選擇最適合的廠址來提升公司的競爭優勢已成為一個重要且有趣的議題。本研究專注於探討實際發生在台灣的太陽能產業中的個案,該個案主要是分析國際廠址選擇。歐盟的反傾銷政策迫使台灣的太陽能廠商布局海外,而如何決定適合的廠址以減少反傾銷政策對於該產業的影響即是本研究所著重的議題。所有可能的設廠地點與影響設廠的因子皆由主動式決策模型來分析。該模型可用於因子評估、廠址選擇與廠址績效評估,最後並可改善廠址績效。大部分研究廠址選擇的文章主要著重於演算法的改善與個案應用。然而,如何改善最適合的廠址,以達到更佳的績效一直都是個被忽視的議題。因此,本研究使用主動式決策模型來進行廠商的評估、選擇與改善,進一步的使績效達到更高的水平。此外,本研究還考量了持續性研究的概念來檢驗研究的績效。換句話說,我們再收集資料的過程中,有考量了時間與事件對於研究結果的影響。總之,本研究的貢獻在於提供了一套改善的機制與加入持續性研究的概念,並以國際廠址選擇為例,實際的與某公司的決策團隊合作。該研究提供了對於海外布局有興趣的廠商,一份值得參加的決策流程與機制。
Location selection is formed through the problems of resource allocation, profit maximization, and cost minimization for decades. How to select the best location to increase the competition advantages is important and interesting because of the characteristics of real, complicated, and applicable. In this study, we focus on the real case study of international location selection in Taiwan’ solar industry. The anti-dumping policy of European Union (EU) force Taiwan’s solar company to move the local facilities into other countries. The determination of suitable location is necessary to reduce the influence of anti-dumping policy of EU. Available countries are assessed against each of the crucial factors and decisions made according to the assessment. The proactive decision model (PDM) is practiced to evaluate the factor, select the locations, and improve the location performance. Most of the studies of location selection focus on the algorithm improvement or case application. However, the performance improvement is ignored after the best location is selected, and the experimental result of case application should be examined. In this study, we apply PDM which is an advanced decision model with evaluation, selection, and improvement mechanisms. Besides, we add the ongoing study to examine the decision performance. In other words, we collect the samples at different time and then analyze whether the decision result is convergence. Thus, the contributions of this study are the consideration of improvement mechanism for the selected location, time span for experimental result examination, and continually work with a decision making team for international location selection. The interactive with a specific team could decrease the influence of biased input from participants. Moreover, the international location selection states a contributable result that incorporates different and widely perspectives than local.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079935802