Title: 逃出牢籠──實境密室遊戲中的經驗與療癒
Escape from the cage A Study of the experience of Healing Effect in Reality Escape Games
Authors: 黃薇仰
Huang, Wei-Yang
Kuo, Liang-Wen
Keywords: 實境密室逃脫遊戲;遊戲;療癒;敘事療癒;文本;空間;身體;Reality Escape Games;REG;game;heailing;story heailing;text;space;body
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 2013年開始,實境密室逃脫遊戲在臺灣市場上蓬勃發展,利用空間的策畫與遊戲流動的走向,塑造不同層次的遊戲效果。本研究利用文本敘事的角度,以及遊戲療癒的效果,探討在實境密室遊戲中,是否能夠為玩家帶來心理療癒之功效。研究中以參與觀察法以及半結構式訪談,拜訪在臺灣實境密室產業中的初創工作室,分別是位於台北的Miss GAME密思創意行銷有限公司、笨蛋工作室 Stupidparticle,以及新竹的格林跳工作室,並邀請十位參與過實境密室遊戲的玩家,分享在遊戲中的經驗與遊戲在其生命中扮演的角色。本研究分為三大部分,第一部分為遊戲的歷史以及遊戲中的療癒效果介紹,第二部分為詳細介紹在實境密室中的遊戲設計以及遊戲動線介紹與分析,第三部分為分析遊戲中的人際運作與療癒效果。透過本研究的資料蒐集,了解實境密室遊戲中具有謎題破解、人際群體表演,以及空間與身體之間的流動與經驗,作為一種新型態、立體的傳播文本,實境密室遊戲帶給玩家多樣的刺激與滿足,進而造成心中的療癒效果。
In 2013, Reality Escape Game has begun popular in Taiwan. Reality Escape Games (REG) is a physical adventure game which requires players’ cooperation to accomplish. Players are left in a variety of locations and have to exploit the elements of the room and their observation to the surrenvironment to escape the room.This thesis investigated REG with story healing theory and game therapy theory by applying the Participant Observation and In-depth Interviews technique to find out the participants’ feeling and imagination.There has paid visit with three REG workshop, Miss GAME, Stupidparticle, Grimm and interview about ten players. This research make up into three parts. First, introducing the game history and the heailing effect. Second, describing the design of REG and the gameflow which start up the magic circle in the game. Third, analyzing how players communicated with game and what feeling they have. According to the data, this study find out REG is a king of text which make up with solving puzzle, team performance and the space flow. Space flow is related to player’s past experience. REG is the new text , which can bring rich level of experience to player, and heailing effect.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359112
Appears in Collections:Thesis