標題: 玩-樂:電玩遊戲中互動機制設計之研究
Fun-Gaming, a study of interactive gaming mechanism in video game design
作者: 梁啟新
Chi-Hsin Liang
Teng-Wen Chang
關鍵字: 電玩遊戲;遊戲機制;遊戲設計;樂趣;Video Game;Game Mechanism;Game Design;Fun
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 電玩遊戲讓玩家從運算技術下的互動體驗中獲得樂趣。因為遊戲媒體具有運算特性,隨著五十年來運算技術的突飛猛進,遊戲媒體也從單純的樂趣變成人類文化中具代表性的複雜娛樂。而關於在電玩遊戲中取得樂趣的設計技術,牽涉層面甚廣,但最關鍵的核心在於互動機制的設計,這不但是是目前遊戲產業在發展上最缺乏理論基礎的部分,同時也是本研究努力的方向。 本研究將以「玩家為什麼玩電玩遊戲」與「玩家如何玩電玩遊戲」來對玩家在遊戲中取得樂趣的抽象過程進行理解;依此兩個方向分別對過去的相關遊戲理論進行整理,並且提出描述玩家遊戲經驗的模型,接著再依據模型指導遊戲實作,讓模型能在遊戲設計方面產生回饋。
Video game is a computing interact experience that provides player fun. Due to the computing characteristic, game media has transfer from a pure fun into a representative complex human culture entertainment in 50 years’ rapid developing of computing technology. Although the technique of obtaining fun in a videogame design involves a wide aspect, the key issue is the design of interact mechanism; not only sort of basic theories in the game industry, but also the goal of this research. In order to understanding the abstract process of player obtaining fun, the study divides into two sections in “Why player wants to play video game?” and “How player plays video games?”. The research sorts out past game theories and proposes two models to describe player’s experience in accordance with particular sections then guide to a game implementation for the feed-back in the game design.


  1. 751601.pdf

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