Title: 以眼動行為分析觀看動機與遊戲經驗對遊戲實況觀看歷程的影響-以爐石戰記為例
The influence of watching motivations and previous gaming experiences on game streaming watching process – an eye movement study on Hearthstone
Authors: 許智鈞
Hsu, Chih-Chun
Sun, Chuen-Tsai
Keywords: 遊戲實況;觀看動機;遊戲經驗;眼動儀;game streaming;watching motivations;previous gaming experiences;eye movement
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 遊戲是設計給人玩的,但有時候看別人玩遊戲反而比自己玩還有趣。遊戲實況產業近年來快速發展,其結合了遊戲畫面、聊天室及實況主視訊的觀賞方式,讓觀眾在欣賞遊戲過程的同時也能和其他觀眾及實況主互動,吸引了全球數百萬人的加入,而那些不直接參與遊戲但卻跟隨遊戲中的體驗的人-也就是觀眾,對於遊戲實況來說可以說是最重要的角色。
Video games are primarily designed for the players, but sometimes it is more fun to watch others play than to play games. The game streaming industry has grown greatly during the past years. It combines gameplay, chat channels, and webcam videos of the streamers so that viewers can interact with others while watching. Viewers, those who watch but do not directly interact with the game, are literally the most roles in this industry.
This study focuses on the viewers and tries to understand different watching behaviors and what elements of a game streaming catch viewers’ attention. We took a quantitative way to record the whole watching processes of the subjects by an eye tracker, evaluated their watching motivations and previous gaming experiences, and conducted a qualitative interview to find out more after the experiment.
We found that viewers mainly focus on the gameplay, and the chat channel draws their attention away from the gameplay when something interesting happens. We also found that the more social interaction motivation one has, the longer fixation time in the chat channel will be; the more information seeking motivation one has, the longer fixation time in gameplay will be; the more previous gaming experiences one has, the more likely he or she will get bored and look around.
Based on the results of this study, we discussed the implications for future research and for game streamers to improve their game streaming.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070456031
Appears in Collections:Thesis