Title: | 考慮顏色平衡的雙重曝光 Color Balancing Aware Double Patterning |
Authors: | 林孟毅 李毅郎 Lin, Meng-Yi Li, Yih-Lang 資訊科學與工程研究所 |
Keywords: | 雙重曝光;Double Patterning |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 在Double Patterning Lithography(DPL) Layout Decomposition的問題裡,任兩個圖案的距離若小於最小著色間距(Minimum Coloring Spacing),則此兩個圖案必須被分配成不同的顏色,表示它們是屬於不同次的曝光。以往的DPL演算法大多著重於最小化衝突(Conflict)與縫合(Stitch)的數量,然而本篇論文更進一步考慮到兩次曝光之間的面積平衡。針對此三個議題,本篇論文使用整數線性規劃(Integer Linear Programming)技巧解決之:最小化衝突與縫合的數量,也同時考慮顏色平衡(Color Balancing)。由於整數線性規劃的時間複雜度為指數成長(exponential growth),我們提出不同的演算法來拆解衝突圖(conflict graph),除了降低求解整數線性規劃的運算時間外,同時確保好的解能被保留下來。我們提出有效率的後續最佳化(post-optimization)演算法,能更進一步篩選出好的解。 In Double Patterning L In Double Patterning LIn Double Patterning LIn Double Patterning LIn Double Patterning LIn Double Patterning LIn Double Patterning LIn Double Patterning L In Double Patterning L In Double Patterning LIn Double Patterning LIn Double Patterning L In Double Patterning LIn Double Patterning LIn Double Patterning LIn Double Patterning LIn Double Patterning Lithographyithographyithographyithographyithographyithographyithography ithographyithography (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm (DPL) layout decomposition for 45nm and below process 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features should be assinodes, two features should be assinodes, two features should be assi nodes, two features should be assinodes, two features should be assinodes, two features should be assinodes, two features should be assigned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors gned different colors if their if their if their if their if their if their spacingspacingspacing spacingspacing is less than the is less than the is less than the is less than the is less than the is less than the is less than the is less than the is less than the is less than the is less than the is less than the is less than the is less than the 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In this thesis, In this thesis, In this thesis, In this thesis, In this thesis, In this thesis, In this thesis, In this thesis, In this thesis, In this thesis, In this thesis, In this thesis, In this thesis, we model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition e model DPL layout decomposition as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem. as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem.as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem. as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem.as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem.as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem.as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem. as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem.as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem.as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem.as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem. as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem. as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem.as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem. as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem.as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem.as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem.as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem.as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem.as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem. as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem. as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem.as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem. as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem.as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem.as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem. as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem. 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In this In this In this In this In this In this In this approach we can decrease a lot of run time. approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time. approach we can decrease a lot of run time. approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time. approach we can decrease a lot of run time. approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time. approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time. approach we can decrease a lot of run time. approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time. approach we can decrease a lot of run time. approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time.approach we can decrease a lot of run time. ThenThenThen , we , we , we propose a propose a propose a propose a propose a propose a propose a propose a postpostpostpost-optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. optimization to further improve our results. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356065 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/140165 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |