標題: 中國網路管治下的庶民策略
Resistant Agency of Cyber-subaltern Under the Internet Governance in China
作者: 李默
Li, Mo
Lee, Chiao-Hung
關鍵字: 網路審查;網路管制治理;防火長城;網路庶民;文化抵抗;Internet Censorship;Internet Governance;The Great Firewall;Cyber-subaltern;Internet Literature;Cultural Resistance
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 中國的網路審查體制和「賽博鐵幕」(Cyber iron curtain)——資訊防火長城,挑戰著人們看待網際網路流行的自由主義庸見(doxa),並伴隨著數以億計的網民和資訊科技影響力日隆,讓全球網際網路資訊流通/隔閡之間的張力日益凸顯成為重要的當代現象。本研究著重考察的對象,除了中國官方佈下網路審查機制,建置防火牆等科技物作為網際網路時代的威權主義政治技術(political techniques)外,更著眼於庶民如何在國家管治下的能動。例如民間為了突破對國際網路的封鎖,創制以資訊自由為核心意義的「翻牆」軟體正反抗著國家所作的技術-意識形態設置。又如2013年以來,中國官方收緊意識形態權柄,並將網路言論場域視為「輿論陣地」的情形下,作為被治理者普通網民(網路庶民)如何善用修辭話術、亞文化、機造影片(machinima)、政治諷刺漫畫等零碎多樣的批判性網路文本(internet literature)以消解、反諷、逃逸國家的管治,甚至與國家在「陣地」上推進戰線時直接遭遇。本研究最後結合中國特殊的政治、文化脈絡作答:中國網路(Chinese internet)上的文化抵抗可以是影響國家治理籌劃的有效行動,但其效用/無效必須放在整體的社會文化心理層面以及具體的抗爭事件中加以檢驗。而網路審查體制及資訊防火長城即使在威權主義的治理原則下依然有其難以估量的負面效應。
The internet censorship in China and its “Cyber Iron Curtain”——the Great Firewall challenges popular liberal doxa in understanding internet. Nowadays, with the hundreds of millions of internet users and the blooming information technology industry in China, tension between information mobility and information gap has become a more and more significant phenomenon. This thesis focuses on the tightening internet censorship in contemporary China as a political technique of authoritarianism, and, more importantly, the resistant agency of governed cyber-subaltern along with their ways of resistance, including circumvention technology (crossing the firewall) and emerging cultural resistance. Pluralistic internet literature and their tactics like linguistic scheme, subculture images, machinima and political caricature which aim to mock, disintegrate, escape from or even go directly against the cultural governmentality of state are analyzed in this study. The conclusion shows, firstly, that the particular internet cultural resistance of the power of laugh, humor and sarcasms could influence the internet governance of the state, but its effect or ineffectiveness has to be examined in the context of socio-cultural perspectives and the specific incidents. Secondly, the internet censorship of China has caused negative effects even under the authoritarianism governance principle.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070055209
Appears in Collections:Thesis