Title: 遠洋海運產業的策略性合作
Alliances in the Ocean Liner Industry: A Case Study
Authors: 羅克威‧詹姆斯
James Hamilton Rockwell
Hu, Jin-Li
Keywords: 五力分析;遠洋海運產業的;策略性合作;5 force analysis;Ocean liner;Strategic alliance
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 波特的五力分析是用來分析一個行業的競爭格局被廣泛採用的框架。海洋集裝箱航運業經歷這導致激烈的競爭,大公司和小公司之間的分工最近的變化,和侵蝕利潤。一個主要的變化是在同行業中最大的競爭對手之間的大,全球性聯盟的形成。在看這個行業通過波特的鏡頭,我們可以看到全球聯盟的遠洋班輪航運業的影響,以及其他主要趨勢。
The Porter’s five forces analysis is a widely-adopted framework used to analyze the competitive landscape of an industry. The ocean container shipping industry has experienced recent changes which have resulted in fiercer competition, a division between the large and small companies, and eroded profits. One of the major changes is the formation of large, global alliances between the largest competitors in the industry. In looking at this industry through the lens of Porter, we can view the effects of global alliances as well as other major trends on the ocean liner shipping industry.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353026
Appears in Collections:Thesis