標題: 台灣企業分割之個案研究-以友訊、華碩為例
A Case Study of the spin-off strategies of Taiwanese Company – Take D-Link & ASUS Corporation for Example
作者: 吳華音
關鍵字: 企業分割;生命週期S曲線;公司治理;個案分析;經營績效;橫向S曲線;spin-off;life cycle;corporate governance;case study;business performance;Sigmoid Curve
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 企業,和產品一樣都有一定的生命週期。過去的企業平均享有40年的風光,才會步上衰亡;而現今競爭激烈的商業環境,一般企業的平均壽命已縮短為14年。若企業要達到永續經營的目標就要打破原來生命週期S曲線的宿命,這時《企業的成功方程式》內企業組織變革的決策與執行就關係到企業能否再造第二條生命曲線的關鍵因素。 本文以組織再造的企業分割個案,來探討企業採行分割策略的原因與動機、分割後經營績效的變化與市值的提升,以及造成分割效益無法持續的原因。得到的結論為友訊與明泰、華碩與和碩,兩個個案皆基於相似因素與動機而採行企業分割策略來調整企業體質,強化企業競爭力,但華碩與和碩分割後的經營績效來的比友訊與明泰好的原因則在於公司治理與持續不斷的投入研發創新。
Firm, as well as products have a certain life cycle. In the past, the average company enjoyed an average of 40 years of scenery, only to decline. In today's highly competitive business environment, the average life expectancy of company has been reduced to 14 years. If the company to achieve the goal of sustainable development is necessary to break the original life cycle S-curve of fate, then "4+2 formula for Sustained Business Success" within the company organizational change decision-making and implementation of the relationship between the company can rebuild the second life curve of the key factors. This paper explores the reasons for the adoption of segmentation strategy and the changes in business performance after segmentation, and the reasons for the poor performance. D-Link and Alpha, Asus and Pegatron, the two cases are based on similar factors and motivation to adopt corporate segmentation strategy to adjust the corporate structure and strengthen the competitiveness of company, but Asus and Pegatron split after the performance of the business than D-Link and Alpha good reason is that corporate governance and sustainable research and development innovation.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463908