標題: 大學生線上學習感知、學習行為、學習成就與課程滿意度於線上學習模式與混成學習模式之關係研究─以自我決定理論觀點探討線上學習感知
Relationships among College Learners’ Online Learning Perceptions, Learning Behaviors, Learning Achievements, and Course Satisfaction in the Online and Blended Learning Delivery Modes: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective on Online Learning Perceptions
作者: 魏彗娟
Wei, Huei-Chuan
Chou, Chien
關鍵字: 線上學習感知;學習行為;學習成就;課程滿意度;自我決定理論;online learning perceptions;learning behaviors;learning achievement;course satisfaction;self-determination theory
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 隨著資訊科技的發展與網際網路資訊的快速成長,不僅提供學習者豐富易取得的學習資源,也改變了教學與學習的型態,從過去以教師為中心之傳統教學方式,轉變成以學習者為中心的學習方式,讓學習者更能掌握自身的學習。由於線上學習漸漸受到教育界的重視,各大專院校也紛紛開設全然線上課程,或是結合線上學習與傳統面對面學習之混成課程,並鼓勵學生修習此類型的課程,擴展學習的型態,累積不同的學習經驗。許多教育研究者也開始關心學習者感知不同學習型態之相關議題。 然而,過去研究雖指出學習者對於線上學習的感知對於其學習成就及課程滿意度有關,但卻較少探討學習者在接受不同學習傳遞模式之後,對於線上學習的感知是否產生差異,以及將學習者的線上學習感知、學習成就以及課程滿意度納入討論,進一步了解當學習者接受不同的學習傳遞模式時,這三個變項之間的關係是否會因為不同的學習傳遞模式而有所不同,尤其是針對同一位學生在接受線上學習以及混成學習這二種學習傳遞模式的情境下。此外,除了線上學習感知,過去多數學者亦指出學習者的個人內在因素(例如:學習需求、學習偏好等)也是影響學習成就的一大面向,尤其在以學習者為中心的學習模式中更為明顯。然而,過去文獻在探討這個議題時,多以單一模式(例如學習者處於線上學習環境中或是學習者處於混成學習環境中)作為研究場域,較少將二者同時納入,探討同一位學習者在處於不同學習傳遞模式的個人內在因素與學習成就之間的關係。為了解決上述所提之問題並補足過去研究不足之處,本研究採用Deci和Ryan(1985)所提出之「自我決定理論」(Self-Determination Theory, SDT)作為探討線上學習感知的基礎,利用SDT之三種需求:感知自主與自決性(perceived autonomy)、感知自我效能(perceived competence)、感知與自我相關性(perceived relatedness)之概念作為線上學習感知之架構,了解學習者處於不同學習傳遞模式的學習環境中,學習者以SDT為基礎的線上學習感知對於其學習行為、學習成就與整體課程滿意度之間的關係。整體而言,本研究旨探討大學生在同一門課中接受線上學習以及混成學習二種傳遞模式,其線上學習感知是否會因為不同學習傳遞模式而有所差異,以及探討大學生在不同學習傳遞模式中,其線上學習感知、學習行為、學習成就以及整體課程滿意度之關係為何。 首先,本研究以驗證性因素分析檢定在線上學習以及混成學習之二種不同的學習傳遞模式中,以SDT為基礎之線上學習感知問卷是否具有效性及穩定性,確認此研究工具之信度與效度,以作為後續各項統計檢定於不同學習傳遞模式中的依據。接著,本研究探討大學生線上學習感知在線上學習與混成學習二種學習傳遞模式中的差異。最後,本研究分別探討大學生在接受線上學習與混成學習二種學習傳遞模式之後,其線上學習感知、學習行為、學習成就、以及整體課程滿意度之間的關係。 綜合以上,本研究問題歸納如下: 1. 大學生的線上學習感知在線上模式中的線上學習感知量表分數是否與在混成模式中的線上學習感知量表分數有顯著差異? 2. 在線上模式中,大學生的線上學習感知、學習行為、學習成就之關係為何? 3. 在混成模式中,大學生的線上學習感知、學習行為、學習成就之關係為何? 4. 在整體課程中,大學生在線上模式與混成模式之線上學習感知、與整體課程滿意度之關係為何? 本研究對象為233名曾於101與102學年度自行選修國立交通大學「資訊素養與倫理」通識課程之大學生。此課程共十八週,第一週為課程內容簡介,以面對面的方式授課;第二週至第八週為線上學習模式,上課以全然線上的方式進行;第九週為期中考,同學須到實體教室參與考試;第十週至第十六週為混成式學習,上課以面對面授課以及線上課程交錯安排的方式進行混成模式;第十七週為期末考,同學需到實體教室參與考試;第十八週則是課後反思,沒有安排課程。 本研究以「以SDT為基礎的線上學習感知量表」(the SDT-based Online Learning Perceptions Scale,簡稱SDT-based OLPS或是OLPS)作為主要施測工具之一,該量表包含原有理論三個面向及與面向相對應的五個因素─面向一:感知自我效能(perceived competence),包含學習需求(learning needs)、個人學習偏好(personal learning preference)二個因素;面向二:感知自主與自決性(perceived autonomy),包含個人學習樂趣(personal learning enjoyment)、彈性(flexibility)二個因素;面向三:感知與自我相關性(perceived relatedness),包含互動性(interaction)一個因素。另外,本研究以「整體課程滿意度量表」(Overall Course Satisfaction Scale,簡稱OCSS)作為主要施測工具之一,此量表包含授課方式、課程內容與架構、教學者與助教、線上討論區、測驗方式以及課程整體印象等六個題項,以了解學習者對於整體課程不同面向之滿意度。學習行為包含線上討論區張貼文章篇數(線上模式/混成模式分別累計)、線上教材閱讀次數(線上模式/混成模式分別累計)。學習成就則包含非同步線上討論成績(線上模式/混成模式分別累計)、第一次測驗成績、第二次測驗成績、課室參與成績。此外,在統計分析方法部分,本研究採用驗證性因素分析、成對樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析以及結構方程模式進行檢驗。 透過調查問卷資料之統計分析,本研究歸納出主要結果包括:(1)線上學習感知之學習需求與互動性在混成模式中的分數高於線上模式中的分數,而線上學習感知之個人學習樂趣在線上模式中的分數高於混成模式中的分數;(2)在線上模式中,對於線上學習感知而言,彈性這面向對線上教材閱讀次數有正向影響,個人學習偏好則對非同步線上討論成績有正向影響。對於學習行為而言,線上討論區張貼文章篇數對非同步線上討論成績有正向影響,線上教材閱讀次數則對非同步線上討論成績以及第一次測驗成績有正向影響,此外,線上教材閱讀次數分別在線上學習感知之彈性與非同步線上討論成績之關係以及線上學習感知之彈性與第一次測驗成績之關係具有顯著中介效果;(3)在混成模式中,線上學習感知分別對學習行為以及學習成就皆無影響。但在學習行為與學習成就之關係中,線上討論區張貼文章篇數對非同步線上討論成績、第二次測驗成績、混成式課程參與成績皆有正向影響,線上教材閱讀次數僅對非同步線上討論成績、第二次測驗成績有正向影響;(4)在整體課程中,線上模式中的線上學習感知之彈性對整體課程滿意度有正向影響,混成模式中的線上學習感知之學習需求與個人學習偏好對整體課程滿意度有正向影響。 簡言之,本研究採用自我決定理論(Self-Determination Theory, SDT)之架構作為線上學習感知的基礎,提出五個因素並依據其因素特性分類至SDT之三個面向,以本研究所蒐集之實證資料支持此量表之架構,並於線上模式與混成模式皆呈現構面穩定性。此外,本研究更進一步澄清線上學習感知、學習行為、學習成就以及整體課程滿意度之關係。本研究提出未來研究的建議,同時也提供教學設計者在設計線上課程或混成式課程時可參考的實務建議。
With the rapid development of network and communication technologies, various innovative instructional delivery methods have provided learning solutions meeting the diverse needs of instructors and learners in higher education. In particular, the concept of learner-centered has been more important than traditional instructor-centered in online synchronous and asynchronous learning environments. Therefore, more and more higher education institutions are starting to provide web-based courses or at least add asynchronous or synchronous components to complement classroom-based courses such as online learning and blended learning. In addition, researchers have focused on the issues of online learning perceptions in different learning delivery modes. Previous studies have concluded that learners’ perceptions toward online learning is a key factor that influences learners’ achievement or satisfaction. However, little research has explored the differences of learners’ online learning perceptions through particular learning delivery modes, that is, in online learning or blended learning, and the relationships among online learning perceptions, learning behaviors, learning achievements, and overall course satisfaction in the online learning delivery mode and in the blended learning delivery mode. Furthermore, the concepts of online learning perceptions are complex and varied with dynamic learning contexts. Past studies have usually focused on the features of online learning (e.g., flexibility, adaptability, convenience, interaction) and viewed these features to be factors of online learning perceptions. Little research has focused on personal intrinsic motivation or individuals’ needs for taking courses designed with respectively online learning or blended learning modes. In order to better understand college learners’ perceptions and personal motivational factors toward online learning, the current study applied the self-determination theory (SDT) as a theoretical framework for online learning perceptions to measure learners’ online learning perceptions of the online mode and of the blended mode. In response to these issues mentioned above, the objective of this study was to examine the relationships among college learners’ online learning perceptions (based on the SDT), learning behaviors, learning achievements in the online mode and in the blended mode, respectively, and overall course satisfaction. This study investigated the following research questions: 1. Is there a significant difference between college learners’ online learning perceptions (as measured by the SDT-based Online Learning Perceptions Scale) of the online mode and of the blended mode? 2. What are the relationships among college learners’ online learning perceptions, learning behaviors (as measured by the number of postings on the discussion board and by the times of viewing the learning materials), and learning achievements (online-discussion score, first-exam score) in the online learning delivery mode? 3. What are the relationships among college learners’ online learning perceptions, learning behaviors (as measured by the number of postings on the discussion board and by the times of viewing the learning materials), and learning achievements (online-discussion score, second-exam score, in-class participation score) in the blended learning delivery mode? 4. What is the relationship between college learners’ online learning perceptions of the online and the blended learning delivery modes and overall course satisfaction? Two hundred and thirty-three college level students enrolled in a NCTU general-education undergraduate course named Internet Literacy and Ethics in the online learning mode as well as the blended learning mode participated in this investigation. The SDT-based Online Learning Perceptions Scale (SDT-based OLPS or OLPS) and Overall Course Satisfaction Scale (OCSS) were the instruments used in this study. Learning achievements were measured by online-discussion score, first-exam score, second-exam score, and in-class participation score. This study utilized confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in order to clarify and confirm the structures of OLPS and OCSS. A paired-samples t-test was conducted to answer the research question 1. The structural equation modeling (SEM) was conducted to answer the research question 2, 3, and 4. Analysis showed that the scores of learning needs and interaction of online learning perceptions were higher in the blended mode than those in the online mode. The score of personal learning enjoyment of online learning perceptions was higher in the online mode than in the blended mode. In the online learning delivery mode, the dimension of personal learning preference and learning behaviors (as measured by the number of postings on the discussion board and by the times of viewing the learning materials) were statistically significant predictors of learners’ online-discussion score. The times of viewing the learning materials also was a statistically significant predictor of learners’ first-exam score. In the blended learning delivery mode, learners’ online learning perceptions did not influence their learning behaviors (as measured by the number of postings on the discussion board and by the times of viewing the learning materials) and learning achievements (as measured by online-discussion score, second-exam score, and in-class participation score). The number of postings on the discussion board and the times of viewing the learning materials were statistically significant predictors of learners’ online-discussion score, second-exam score, and in-class participation score. Moreover, the dimension of flexibility of online learning perceptions of the online mode and the dimensions of learning needs and personal learning preference of online learning perceptions of the blended mode were statistically significant predictors of learners’ overall course satisfaction. This study provided some considerations for academics and practitioners to better design online courses and blended courses and guide to students to a more fruitful learning experience in both the online learning delivery mode and blended learning delivery mode.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079748543