標題: 我國專利損害賠償方法暨舉證責任之研究—以美、日、德國法與我國判決實證為中心
Empirical Analysis on Damage Awards and the Burden of Proof in Patent Infringement Litigation
作者: 呂柔慧
Lu, Jou-Hui
Liu, Shang-Jyh
關鍵字: 損害賠償;專利侵權;專利法第97條;實證研究;Damage awards;Patent infringement;Patent Act;Empirical study
公開日期: 2017
摘要:   損害賠償訴訟,為專利權人維護權利之最後一段里程。然而,位於尾聲之損害賠償卻可能反過來影響專利法的「形貌」。蓋賠償過度,將使專利權人積極興訟,無心研發;賠償不足,則無法給予發明人申請專利之誘因,無法達到專利法鼓勵發明、促進產業發展之立法目的。又適逢我國專利法近年來頻頻修正,使我國損害賠償計算增加許多不確定性,除如何實際運用法條中寥寥數語之計算方式外,兩造於訴訟中之舉證活動、法院如何採納證據更是實際影響損害賠償訴訟之最終結果。因此,本文希望藉由比較法研究,及我國判決實證研究之方式,釐清我國實務所遭遇之難題,藉由比較法之經驗,提供未來具體可行之建議。   本文第一章先說明研究動機、目的、方法與限制後,第二章即針對美、日、德三國比較法進行研究與分析,於第三章再針對我國專利損害賠償計算之法理基礎、計算方式及舉證責任進行詳細介紹,第四章則針對2008年7月1日至2016年10月31日止,我國智慧財產法院二審及最高法院判決之質性研究結果進行深入剖析,最後,於第五章綜合前述實證研究所發現之實務問題,參酌比較法經驗,對我國未來專利損害賠償計算方法與舉證活動提出具體建言。本文以為,具體損害賠償說與差額說之舉證要求應得以放寬、利益說應由專利權人提出合理利益,侵權人證明扣除成本,並得補充適用同業利潤標準、合理權利金應以事後觀點調整數額、並應於訴訟中適當運用當事人文書提出義務與法院酌定之規定。本文期待藉由上述建議,促進我國裁判可預測性並兼顧兩造利益、使損害賠償訴訟得回應專利法之立法目的,以達到提升我國專利法制發展之目標。
Determination of damage awards is the last part of patent litigation, and that determination would affect the shape of the Patent Act. It is because that if the court over compensate the patentee, the patentee will focus on litigation rather than invention; if the court fails to fully compensate the patentee, the inventor won’t have his invention patented, thus it will be hard to achieve the purpose of patent law, which is to promote research and protect invention. Furthermore, there is much more uncertainty in patent damage awards since the frequently amending of the Patent Act. Not only is it difficult to interpret the articles regarding damage awards, but how the parties fulfill their burden of proof and how the court accept the evidence will affect the result of damage awards. Therefore, by researching comparative laws and empirical study of cases in Taiwan, this dissertation aims to clarify difficulties the court faces and thus provide practical advices. Chapter I of this dissertation will introduce the author’s motivation for this research, and the research goal, methodology and limitation. Chapter II focus on researching and interpreting patent damage rules of U.S., Japan and Germany. Chapter III refers to patent damage rules in Taiwan, including the jurisprudence, calculation methods and the burden of proof. Chapter IV dedicates to empirical analysis of patent damages on the cases, from 1 July 2008 to 31 October 2016, adjudged by the Taiwan Intellectual Property (IP) Court and the Supreme Court, presenting the result of qualitative research conducted by analyzing the case contents from the decisions of the second instances of IP Court and Supreme Court. Finally, Chapter V will conclude the issues discovered from the empirical analysis, referring the experiences of comparative laws, providing practical advices for calculation methods and the burden of proof of patent damage rules in Taiwan. This dissertation advises that the burden of proof of Real Lost Approach and Differentiated Amount Approach can be reduced. When raising Profit Approach, the patentee has to prove reasonable profit, and it’s the infringer’s burden to prove the cost. The Industry Standard of Margins can also be considered as supplementary evidence. When raising Reasonable Royalty, the court can adjust the amount of royalty considering the changes after the infringement. Obligation of documentary submission and rules of court’s discretion should also be used appropriately in the suit. By presenting these advices, this dissertation aims to promote the predictability of court judgement, balance the benefits of both parties, and let patent damage rules reflect the purpose of the Patent Act, thus promote the development of Patent Act in Taiwan.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353819