標題: 基隆港國際遊輪旅客岸上行程偏好分析與行銷策略
Shore excursion preference analysis and marketing strategies of international cruise passengers at Keelung Port
作者: 卓志軒
Yuan ,Chien-Yun
關鍵字: 國際遊輪;岸上行程;偏好分析;聯合分析法;行銷策略;International cruise;Shore excursion;Preference analysis;Conjoint analysis;Maketing strategies
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 全球遊輪市場穩定成長,亞洲遊輪市場蓬勃發展,近幾年基隆港遊輪旅客量快速成長。本研究以旅客需求為導向,採用聯合分析探討基隆港國際遊輪旅客對於岸上觀光行程的偏好分析及重要性程度。 本研究將目標對象分為3族群作市場區隔,研究對象為中國大陸遊輪旅客、日本遊輪旅客及歐美遊輪旅客,對搭乘遊輪至基隆港之國際旅客,發放問卷進行調查,分析不同地區的國際遊輪旅客之偏好差異及成分效用值。根據分析結果,研擬行銷策略,本研究提出5個旅客最高購買意願的行程組合,並提出後續研究建議,提供相關單位做為發展國際遊輪岸上觀光之參考依據。
The global cruise market has been growing over the years and the rapid development of cruise market in Asia have made the number of passengers rise rapidly at Keelung Port in recent years. This study is oriented to investigate the needs of travelers by using conjoint analysis to find various combinations of shore excursion, preference analysis and marketing strategies of international cruise passengers at Keelung Port. This study divides the target customers into 3 groups to make the market segmentation, including Chinese cruise passengers, Japanese cruise passengers and the American and European cruise passengers. Questionnaires were collected from the international cruises’ passengers at Keelung Port. These questionnaires were developed to explore the differences of standard consumer preferences and to understand the “Part-worth” from passengers that travelled from different countries. Finally, marketing strategies could be implemented or adapted based on the analysis results. This study highlights the top 5 outcomes of purchase intention of the trip portfolio for cruise passengers and provides suggestions and references for further research on the development of international cruise on shore excursion to relevant units.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363606
Appears in Collections:Thesis