標題: 電腦輔助方法於以改善AHP問卷一致性之應用
A Computer Aided Tactic for Improving Consistency of AHP during Questionnaire Filling
作者: 鄭再輝
Tey, Chai-Fui
Huang, Shih-ping
Hung, Hui-Chih
關鍵字: AHP;多準則策略;AHP;ANP;MCDM
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 現今的世界日趨複雜。各國政府,公司行號,團體組織,機構,教育機關,甚至是個人無時無刻都在面對新的問題。這些問題可以涵蓋任何方面,從環境,教育,到金融經濟等等。構成這些問題的要素常常即多且雜,而且候選的解決方案也不只一種。而當需要分析這些問題並找出合理且相對好的解決方案的時候,常常在時間上的限制也非常的緊迫。 幸運的是,有學者提出了多準則決策的方法。 在過去數十年中,各種多準則決策方法陸續被提出,例如 AHP,ANP,TOPSIS,VIKOR,DEMATEL 等等。 隨著這些方法的出現,現在決策者在做出決策之前可以有一套系統化,合邏輯,且有可靠數學依據的方式可以使用。也因此,處於現代的我們在以上這些工具的協助下,能夠相較於從前的人做出更好的決策。 在所有的多準則決策方法中,層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP) 被廣泛認為是在解決多準則決策問題中,最強大有效且有彈性的工具之一。此方法在過去數十年間已經被大量使用在政府,商業,教育,環境, 工業等相關方面的決策問題上。 然而,雖然這方法在實務上多次被證實其有效性,其潛在的問題或弱點還是可能讓一般想要使用它來做決策的人卻步。 在這份研究中,我們提出了一種方法,利用電腦輔助於AHP問卷的填寫, 來提高AHP的一致性。這個方法利用電腦運算的特性,將傳統AHP依序的相對比較依據我們的方法作順序上的重新排列,希望透過這種低門檻的方式,可以讓一般人能夠更容易的使用AHP 來做為面對多準則問題時的對應工具。
The world nowadays is getting complicated. Governments, companies, organizations, institutions, colleges, and even individuals have to face with new problems every now and then. These problems can be related to any aspect, from environmental to educational, financial, and lots more. These problems can always formed by complex criteria and lead to a bunch of possible solutions. There are often also very less time given to analysis the problem and to finding a rational while relatively better solution or decision making. Thankfully, the Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) was introduced. With the invention of a selection of MCDM methods such as AHP, ANP, TOPSIS, VIKOR, DEMATEL, and others, the decision making can now be more systematic, logically and mathematically trustworthy. As a result, we are now able to make a better decision than the old time with the help of the tools mentioned above. Among all the MCDM methods introduced, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) has been widely accepted as one of the most powerful, sufficient, and flexible tool to solve any MCDM problems in real life. It has been broadly used in a variety of situations involving government, business, education, environmental issue, and industry. Although the method has been proven to be practical and effective, there are still existing issues or weakness in AHP that people may fail or refuse to use it as a decision-making tool. In this research, we suggest a computer-aided tactic, which can be used during questionnaire filling for improving the consistency of AHP. This tactic is accomplished by reorganizing the sequence of pairwise-comparisons of AHP with the help of computer-aided questionnaire software. Hopefully, with this lower-entry-barrier approach, more people are able to evaluate a multiple-criteria decision making problem using the AHP method.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363521