標題: 以現場可程式化邏輯陣列實現之高頻寬輕觸式原子力顯微鏡控制器
A High Bandwidth Tapping Mode Atomic Force Microscope Controller based on Field Programmable Gate Array
作者: 管馳宇
Kuan, Chih-Yu
Chiueh, Herming
關鍵字: 高速AFM;輕拍式AFM;PID控制器;振幅針測;FPGA;High Speed AFM;Tapping Mode AFM;PID controller;Amplitude Detector;FPGA
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 隨這近年來人們對於生物分子之結構及行為相關的研究越來越重視,先進顯微鏡技術也成為一個共要的研究課題。在多種先進顯微鏡技術中,原子力顯微鏡的優勢是在於其高解析度的成像能力以及可用於測量水容易環境中的生物樣本。然而一般的原子力顯微鏡在研究分子物理學上有兩個嚴重的缺陷:成像速率以及探針對待測物的干擾。本研究專注於參考並改良現有之原子力顯微成像技術,藉以實現更高的成像速率以及更小的擾動。在實體源自力顯微鏡系統的測量中,本論文提出之原子力顯微鏡控制器可以6秒/張之速率成像256×256像素,掃描範圍1.5×1.5微米平方之圖形。
Advanced microscopy technique has become an important research topic as people starts to pay more intention to the study of the structure and dynamics of biological molecules. Among all the other advance microscopy techniques, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is unique in its capability of high resolution imaging of vital biological samples in aqueous solutions. However, conventional AFM isn’t suitable to observing single-molecule biophysics due two reason: the low imaging framerate and the disturbance force between sample and AFM probe. This research topic focuses on optimizing the AFM controller designed by Institue of Physics, Academia Sinica, increasing the bandwidth of AFM controller for higher imaging speed and lowering the disturbance force. When testing on a real AFM system, the proposed system is able to image a 256*256pixel image of blue-ray track with scanning range of 1.5*1.5μm2 in 6 second.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070350715