標題: 遊戲實況的運作機制:閱聽人、社群價值、資本邏輯
Framework of Game Live Streaming; Audience, Community Worth, and Capitalistic Logic
作者: 蔡佶良
Cai, Chi-Liang
Chang, Yu-Pei
關鍵字: 遊戲實況;參與式文化;禮物;擴散性媒體;Twitch;Game Live Streaming;Participatory Culture;The Gift;Spreadable Media;Twitch
公開日期: 2017
摘要:   遊戲實況(live streaming for video games)是近年新興的娛樂媒介,對於電玩愛好者而言,「看別人玩」無疑是現今另一個更酷的選擇。然而遊戲實況的崛起不僅象徵Web2.0下閱聽人獲得自主創造媒體內容的能動性,其背後更隱藏著資本邏輯與迷群價值間的拉扯。本文採取複合式的質性研究方法,主要使用深度訪談法與線上田野觀察法蒐集相關資料並分析,共訪談了5位實況主、8位實況觀眾、和1位直播產業的決策階層;線上田野的觀察對象經過代表性抽樣後選出6位具代表性的實況主,針對其直播內容和社群媒體操作進行實際的紀錄和編碼。   研究發現,第一、延伸Mauss(1925)提出的禮物經濟理論,實況主會依其個人特質和生命經驗在直播中呈現不同類型的贈禮資源;第二、觀眾會以金流、無償勞動、聲望累積、和特製化四種回禮資源反饋給心儀的實況主,鞏固雙方處於同一社群的社會關係;第三、誠如Jenkins(2006)所言,當代的資本邏輯會去攀附閱聽人科技賦權的成果,網路平台、電玩廠商、廣告主三大力量正積極的將遊戲實況迷群內部的社群價值(worth)轉化成可用金錢量化的利益價值(value),對此場域進行新一波的再結構化。
Game live Streaming is a novel entertainment media in Web2.0 generation. For fandoms, watching live-streaming is another choice to engage in games culture. There are two qualitative research methods used in this study, in-depth interview and online fieldwork. Researcher adopts the mixed methods to explore the audience roles, practices, and “worth-value” transaction on the phenomenon for game live streaming.  The study mainly indicates three research results. First, extending the theory of gift economy conceptualizes the giving resources from game live streaming broadcasters supplying. Second, the audience feedback their favorite game live streaming broadcasters in five repaying resources, payment flow resource, unpaid labour resource, prestige resource, and individualized resource. Third, the researcher discovers the transaction of community worth into capitalistic value.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359129
Appears in Collections:Thesis