標題: | 從中西翻譯理論詮釋鍾肇政短篇小說英譯本 An Interpretation of Chung Chao-Cheng's Anthology of Short Stories in View of Chinese and Western Translation Theories |
作者: | 宋天玲 蔣淑貞 Sung, Tien-Ling Chiang, Shu-Chen 客家文化學院客家社會與文化學程 |
關鍵字: | 鍾肇政;洪健昭;形似與神似;文學翻譯贊助;文學翻譯;Chung Chao-Cheng;Hung Jian-Zhao;Formal and Spiritual Similarity;Literature Translation Sponsoring;Literature Translation |
公開日期: | 2017 |
摘要: | 戰後跨語第一代的客籍作家鍾肇政是「台灣文學之母」,彭瑞金曾盛讚他是台灣文學的傳燈者。他以短篇小說開啟了寫作生涯,以大河之作成為評論者的關注焦點。他的作品之豐少有人與之匹敵,長篇之作充滿濃厚國家認同與台灣意識之間的矛盾與糾結 ; 短篇小說則具有實驗性與現代感,這也展現鍾肇政文學的多樣性。
本論文對譯本與原文鉅細靡遺的對照所發現的翻譯問題,若能成為有志從事現代台灣文學翻譯者參考,該也是本論文唯一有貢獻的地方。同時我希望贊助者客委會能完成最後的幾步路,也就是蒐羅讀者的評論與迴響作為借鏡,對譯者與贊助者而言可以因此有所反省而反饋到下次的譯作上,對於讀者可以藉此做深入的閱讀。而客委會讓世界看見客家也終能實現。 Chung Chao-cheng, one of the first generation cross-language writer after the Second War, is called "Mother of Taiwan literature". Peng Jui-chin hailed him as " Lamp transmission of Taiwan literature ." Few of novelists in Taiwan can match his abundant works, and his "Roman-Fleuve" is a prime example. It becomes the focus of critics. Looking back at his novelettes, they opened his writing career but caught little attention. That is because their themes are not filled with a strong national identity and the contradiction from Taiwan ideology, like his Roman-Fleuve. However, the literary diversity, both experimental and contemporary, is revealed in his novelettes. In 2012, Hakka Affairs Council sponsored the translation and publication of Chung Chao-cheng’s Anthology of Short Stories for promoting Hakka Affairs. Joe Hung, the former Chairman of Central News Agency, translated six works and other three were translated by Fu Jen Catholic University students. With Lefevere’s theory on literary sponsors, both translators and sponsoring Authorities decide what readers read. That is the same as Chung Chao-cheng’s other translation works. There are no comments either on the translator or on his translations. By analysis of the comments on Yu Kao Fan and his translation The Journey to the West and Fu Lei’s retranslation Le Père Goriot , we can understand the relation between translators and translations by using Li Ji-hong’s words : “The factor which decides the literary translation good or not, especially in the classical literature, is how deep the translators involve in the original work.” Whether Joe Hung’s translation is successful or not, I judge its effect on formal and spiritual similarity. This paper focuses on translation accuracy in words and the cultural meaning coincidence between the translation and the original works. That means what effect the translation makes --- formal similarity or spiritual similarity. I hope I will do some contribution to those interested in modern Taiwan literature translation. I hope the sponsoring authority would go forward by collecting readers’ comments to have “the world see the Hakka” come true. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070355501 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/140504 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |