標題: 探討旅次目的對航空旅客衝動購買行為的影響
Effect of Trip Purposes on Impulse Buying Behavior of Air Passengers
作者: 賴宜君
Lai, Yi-Jiun
Jen, William
關鍵字: 衝動購買行為;機場;旅次目的;時間壓力;知覺壓力;impulse buying behavior;airport;trip purpose;time pressure;perceived stress
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 2012年亞太地區旅客在機場免稅商店購買中,「計畫性購買」占了40%,但「衝動性購買」占了54%。過去雖然有探討衝動性購買行為的研究,然而探討機場內的衝動購買影響因素與旅次目的對購物行為差異性影響的探討卻很少,因此本研究主要以台灣桃園國際機場出境大廳管制區內購物的旅客做為調查對象,共蒐集378份有效樣本,探討商務與休閒旅客選購商品的差異,衝動購買的程度及影響機場內衝動購買的重要因素。研究結果顯示:(1)商務旅客較傾向購買功能性的商品,休閒旅客較傾向購買享樂性的商品。(2)商務旅客衝動購買、知覺壓力及內疚感都較休閒旅客高。(3)造成衝動購買的因素會受到知覺壓力與時間壓力的影響。
According to the 2012 Global Airports Retailer Market Trend Research, for Asia-Pacific travelers’ consuming behaviors, planned buying account for 40%, impulse buying account for 54%. As a result, the consuming behaviors of the passengers in the airports become one of the important issues about airport operation management. This study explored the effect of trip purposes on impulse buying behavior of air passengers. Taking the 378 travelers who shop in Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport’s duty-free shop as respondents. The results found: (1) Business travelers prefer to buy utilitarian products than leisure travelers do. Leisure travelers prefer to buy hedonic products than business travelers do. (2) Business travelers are more possible on impulse buying,perceived stress and guilt than leisure travelers. (3)The factors that cause impulse buying will be affected by perceived stress and time pressure
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353214
Appears in Collections:Thesis