標題: 以干預模式分析大貨車臨檢之成本效益
Analyzing Cost and Benefit of Roadside Inspection for Heavy Trucks Using Intervention Model
作者: 劉雨薇
Liu, Yu-Wei
Wong, Ka-Io
關鍵字: 安全管理;汽車貨運業;路邊臨檢;成本效益;干預模式;Safety management;Trucking industry;Roadside inspection;Cost and benefit;Intervention model
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 汽車貨運業為台灣經濟發展的重要基石,貨運業的運作及管理與國家的發展息息相關。近年來由於供應鏈及物流的觀念興起,貨運業從最初傳統貨物的配送功能,轉變為必須具備專業化的處理能力,朝多元化、資訊化與知識化的運輸經營方向。 相對的,隨著產業型態的改變,逐漸凸顯政府相關法令之不足,甚至成為發展的阻力。在這樣的管理制度及與時俱增的貨運需求之下,安全的問題慢慢浮現出來,在交通事故下所衍生出來的問題也層出不窮。由於肇事原因與駕駛人的身心狀態及車輛的狀況息息相關,對此安全管理方面的問題,是業者及政府在追求產業發展時所須正視之問題。 本研究將對貨運業安全管理方面進行分析與探討,回顧我國、日本與美國在汽車貨運安全管理現況並進行比較。運用干預模式分析台灣地區之大貨車,透過警務與監理人員執行臨檢取得資料,據以估計貨車事故避免數及其經濟效益相關成本,而計算事故避免數所帶來的財務損失節省。透過臨檢裝載不安全與酒後駕車此兩種違規類型,發現台灣執行臨檢計畫所得經濟效益達20,812,366元,而政府所投入的成本估計為7,049,640元,大貨車臨檢所產生的效益成本比率為2.95,顯示現行的路邊檢查計劃在提高安全管理方面具有成效。
The trucking industry is important to Taiwan’s economic development. The operations and management of the industry is closely intertwined with the nation’s development. In recent years, with the increasing concerns on the supply chain and logistics area, the trucking industry has transformed from traditional delivery of goods to specialized problem-solving, diversified, digitized, and knowledge-driven logistics operations. Comparatively, as the industry transforms, government regulation inadequacies are becoming more evident, and even acting as obstruction to development. Faced with such regulation system and increasing freight transportation demand, problems concerning traffic safety related to trucks are gradually revealed. Accidents are closely related to the conditions of drivers and vehicles, safety management problems are important items that the government and business owners must address amidst promoting industry development. This study investigates the efficiency of safety management strategies in the trucking industry. The safety management policies and regulations in Taiwan, United States, and Japan will be reviewed and compared. An intervention model is then proposed to analyze the benefit and cost of roadside inspections for freight trucks in Taiwan. Roadside inspection data is acquired through inspections conducted by the police and motor vehicle agency personnel. We further estimate the freight truck accident aversion counts and costs associated with their economic benefits; which are then used to calculate fiscal loss savings connected to accident aversion counts. By examining two types of violations, namely, unsafe loading practices and driving under the influence of alcohol, it is found that potential benefits of reducing accidents as result of roadside inspections on freight trucks is estimated to be $20,812,366 TWD, and the cost of the government implementing the inspections is estimated to be $7,049,640 TWD. As a result, the ratio of benefit to cost is 2.95, showing that the current roadside inspection program is cost effective in improving safety.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070153222