標題: 商品安全政策經網路宣導途徑及宣導效果之研究-以經濟部標準檢驗局新竹分局轄區為對象
The Study of Commodity Safety Policy via Advocacy Channels on Internet and Advocacy Effect: The Case of Hsinchu Branch,Bureau of Standards, Metrology & Inspection, M.O.E.A., R.O.C. Areas
作者: 陳姿伊
關鍵字: 網路宣導途徑;商品安全;政策宣導;政策行銷;Advocacy channels on internet;Commodity safety;Policy advocacy;Policy marketing
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 隨著網際網路的快速發展,商品藉由網路流通的更加頻繁快速,但商品品質及安全性卻難以掌握。因此經濟部標準檢驗局暨所屬各分局先後開發Facebook、Youtube及電子報等網路宣導途徑,希望商品安全政策宣導訊息藉由網路宣導途徑的政策宣導,幫助民眾對商品安全的瞭解,避免購買或使用黑心商品。商品安全政策是需要長期培養民眾對商品安全的認知,各項網路宣導服務應更重視後續管理及發展性。所以本研究之目的是以問卷方式調查經濟部標準檢驗局新竹分區轄區內的使用者,再以統計分析方式,探討商品安全政策宣導訊息經由網路宣導途徑的宣導效益、人口統計變項及使用者反應之間的關係。研究結果發現,三者中,Facebook接受度最高,有近九成的使用者支持;電子報為特定族群使用,使用者反應中具有正向積極反應;不同的網路宣導途徑會影響使用者反應;宣導內容會影響使用者反應。其中「商品召回訊息」最容易被受訪者分享,佔75.57%;人口統計變項會影響使用者反應。本研究結果能提供主管機關在網路宣導途徑日後的管理上,有更多的政策宣導策略,提高網路宣導途徑的效益。
With the rapid development of the Internet, the flow of commodities is more frequent and fast through the network, but the quality and safety of goods is difficult to control. Therefore, Bureau of Standards, Metrology & Inspection, M.O.E.A., R.O.C. and other branches develop three different advocacy channels on internet. They are Facebook, Youtube and newsletters. Hope that the commodity safety policy advocacy message through advocacy channels on internet publicize, to help people understand the safety of goods and to avoid the purchase or use of tainted goods. Commodity safety policy is the need for long-term training of people's awareness of the safety of goods, also the network advocacy services should pay more attention to follow-up management and development. Therefore, the aim of this study use questionnaire to investigate Hsinchu Branch, Bureau of Standards, Metrology & Inspection, M.O.E.A., R.O.C. area of the users, then statistical analysis the data gained from questionnaire, and to explore the relationship with the effect of commodity safety policy via advocacy channels on internet, demographic variables and user’s response. The findings in this research are summarized as follow. Facebook accepted the highest degree, nearly 90% of respondents support. The newsletter uses for a specific group of people, and the user’s react is positively and positively. Different advocacy topics affect the user's response, which "commodity recall message" is most likely to be shared by respondents, accounting for 75.57%. Demographic variables affect the user's response. This study can provide the competent authority more policy advocacy strategies and improve the effectiveness of advocacy channels on internet.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070261202