Title: 科學新聞資訊圖像對閱讀經驗與閱讀理解之影響
The Impact of Science News Infographics on Reading Experience and Comprehension
Authors: 黃子芸
Huang, Zi-Yun
Huang, Hui-ping
Keywords: 科學新聞;資訊圖像;閱讀經驗;閱讀理解;推敲可能性模式;science news;infographics;reading experience;reading comprehension;elaboration likelihood model
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本研究主要關注近年來資訊圖像的熱潮,隨著資訊科技的進步與閱聽人生活型態的改變,現今的資訊圖像在呈現上已不再侷限於單一的表達方式。新聞也不再侷限於文字與圖像,而是包含聲音說明和互動點擊,以協助閱聽人瞭解議題或事件的脈絡。為能對此現象有更深入的理解,本研究將資訊圖像呈現,分為靜態式、動態式與互動式三種型態,並採用實驗法探討不同的資訊圖像呈現方式,對閱聽人閱讀經驗與閱讀理解的影響。同時,本研究也以推敲可能性模式(elaboration likelihood model, ELM)探索先備知識與資訊圖像新聞型態對閱讀經驗與閱讀理解的可能影響,以及閱讀經驗與閱讀理解之間的關係。
This study focuses on the enthusiasm for infographics in recent years. Infographics and news are no longer confined to words and pictures, but containing sounds and interactive clicks to help the audience comprehend issues or events. To understand this phenomenon, this study conducts an experiment to compare the impact of three types of infographics, including static, motion and interactive, on the audience. This study also uses an important concept—prior knowledge from elaboration likelihood model(ELM), and explores the possible interaction effects of prior knowledge and infographic types on the audiences’ reading experience and comprehension.
This study uses GMO as a topic to produce scince news texts. Subjects for the web-based experiment are universtiy students. In total, 840 students participate in the experiment. Results show that those who read static and motion infographics have better reading experience than others, but those who read text-only news and interactive infographic have better reading comprehension than others. In addition, those with greater prior knowledge tend to have better reading comprehension than those with lower prior knowledge. Overall, the findings suggest that science news infographics are more appealing to the audience, but text-only version and interactive infographic are still important for the audience to comprehend news content. Moreover, prior knowledge can help increase the audiences’ reading comprehension. This suggests that individuals’ ability also plays a role in their science news reception.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359105
Appears in Collections:Thesis