标题: 高速且长距离之正交分频多工强度调变直接侦测系统中的非线性失真补偿
Nonlinear Distortion Compensation in High Speed Long-Reach OFDM-IM/DD Transmission Systems
作者: 陈星宇
Chen, Hsing-Yu
Chen, Jyehong
关键字: 被动光纤网路;光学正交分频多工;子载波混频干扰;非线性失真补偿;强度调变直接侦测;passive optical network;Optical OFDM;SSII;nonlinear distortion compensation;IM/DD
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 此篇论文提出一个>50-Gb/s且>60-km之正交分频多工(OFDM)长距离被动光纤网路系统以满足下世代网路标准的需求。正交分频多工讯号拥有许多好处,如可支援动态调变以适应衰落通道。然而,此系统依然存在着许多待解决之议题,如调变器非线性、光纤非线性、色散导致之失真以及不足的系统损失预算等。为了解决这些议题,这篇论文提出了一个子载波间混合干扰(SSII)的理论模型与其相对应的干扰消除机制(SSII消除),可有效的补偿系统中的非线性失真。由于SSII干扰消除技术仰赖于理论模型的精确度,此论文亦提出基于动态权重之Volterra filtering,并以实验深入比较此两种补偿技术。此外,我们使用分波多工(WDM)技术来展示我们所提出的架构用于多波长系统时的适用性。基于低成本的10-GHz电致光吸收调变器与PIN接收器,我们在未使用中继放大器与前置放大器的条件下,成功达成一个 200-Gb/s、60 km之传输,并且同时具有大于30 dB的损失预算,换言之,此系统可以支援128个光学网路单元,而每个光学网路单元可支援大于1.6 Gb/s的传输量。
This work proposes a >50-Gb/s and >60-km optical OFDM long reach (LR) passive optical network (PON) for the next generation network standard. OFDM signal has a lot of advantages such as supporting dynamic modulation to adapt to fading channel. However, there are still several issues in an OFDM system, such as modulator nonlinearity, fiber nonlinearity, dispersion induced nonlinear distortion and insufficient loss budget. To deal with these issues, we propose a theoretical model, subcarrier-to-subcarrier intermixing interference (SSII), as well as the corresponding compensation method, SSII cancellation, which can effectively compensate the aforementioned nonlinear distortions. Since the SSII cancellation relies on the precision of the mathematical model, we also propose an adaptive-weighted Volterra filtering and experimentally compare these two compensation schemes. Moreover, wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology is utilized to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed scheme in a multi-channel system. Based on low cost 10-GHz EAM and PIN, we achieved a 200-Gb/s transmission over a distance of 60 km with a loss budget of >30 dB, while providing support for 128 ONUs at >1.6 Gb/s/ONU without the need for an inline amplifier or pre-amplifier.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070180507