Title: 訂單達交率改善之研究
A Study of Improve Due-Date Performance for a Electronic Assembly Plant
Authors: 鄭淑慧
Cheng, Sui-Hai
Li, Rong-Kwei
Keywords: 限制理論;物料需求規劃;最小訂購量;目標庫存水位;庫存週轉天數;前置時間;TOC(Theory of Constraints);DDMRP(Demand driven material requirement planning);MOQ(Minimum Order Quantity);Target Level of Inventory;Inventory Turnover Days;Lead Time
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: S公司為電子產品研發、製造整合服務提供者 (Total solution provider),為客戶提供完整的電子產品解決方案。市場及客戶需求方式有90%以上為接單後生產,且少量多樣。在現行講求快速服務品質的時代,與同業競爭激烈下,如何滿足客戶交期是非常重要的一環。S公司在目前現況交期績效不佳,導致客戶針對交期滿意度評比非常差,因此急需啟動交期改善作業。 經由特性要因圖分析找出訂單達交期績效之主因為缺料。應用訂定”目標庫存水位”方式,針對交期不佳之機種進行模擬改善驗證。研究結果顯示,訂單交期績效可由70%提升至90%,材料庫存成本降低75%以下,此為公司帶來更高的利潤及提升同業競爭力。
Company S is a total solution provider in the field of electronic products including product development, manufacturing and service integration, where the majority of customers fall in the category with rapid market change and low volume/high mix type of business. Thus how to provide fast delivery service with good quality to satisfy customer demands has become a very crucial factor and challenge for company S to stay in the market and win business. This study is set at the situation where company S faces instant challenge from customers with bad delivery and complaints about losing business. Company S needs an immediate plan for delivery improvements. Through the analysis of the Cause-and –Effect diagram due to find the order of delivery rate is bad. The main reason is the lack of material. Application of ”Target inventory level”, approach for poor delivery of models to improve the simulation to verify. Study shows commit and delivery rate increases from 70% to 90%, material stock value decreases to under 75% which helps company wins more business and achieves higher profit.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463320
Appears in Collections:Thesis