Title: 應用層級分析法於台灣印刷電路板產業進入國際市場之行銷研究
An Application of AHP Analysis on Taiwan Printed Circuit Board Industrial to Enter International Market
Authors: 彭志偉
Keywords: 印刷電路板;國際行銷;層級分析法;Printed Circuit Board;PCB industrial;International Marketing;AHP
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 台灣印刷電路板(Printed Circuit Board, PCB)產業在經濟發展過程中,對國家經濟與社會的基礎扮演舉足輕重的角色。1968年第一家PCB廠美商安培在桃園設廠,開啟北台灣科技發展歷史,其中PCB產業在台發展已超過40餘年。除了國內客戶外,須借重國外客戶的訂單來拓展競爭日漸白熱化的全球市場,故在國際市場行銷方法的選擇上,漸為國內PCB業者所重視,國際行銷更成為PCB業者不可或缺的選項及公司國際化考量因素之一。 本研究針對台灣PCB產業進入國際行銷市場時,所考量的關鍵因素為何,各家PCB廠將公司國際化設定為其未來發展的關鍵因素。許多學術研究顯示,傳統之PCB營運方式與國內不同,隨著國際大廠紛紛將高階PCB釋出,提供國際行銷之服務也日顯重要,故本研究透過相關文獻探討、產學界專家意見訪談彙整出評選因子,再利用層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process: AHP)為分析工具,得到各考量因素之重要性排序。 依本研究發現,其結果可提供國內PCB業者或相關從業人員,作為進入國際行銷策略之參考,此乃本論文之貢獻。
PCB industry plays a vital role of boosting whole economic growth in Taiwan from the past. It has been more than 40 years of development after first PCB shop opened by Ampei in Taoyuan, Taiwan in year of 1968. In addition to domestic market, PCB shops from Taiwan definitely need to explore oversea business opportunities to be able to survive and further succeed in this competitive industry. Thus, PCB suppliers from Taiwan placed more emphasis on choosing a right way of international marketing; international marketing became a significant factor for globalization of PCB shop in Taiwan. Focus of this research (thesis) is on key factors considered by PCB shops from Taiwan getting into international market. Most of PCB shops from Taiwan considered globalization as major corporate strategy. According to many research papers, marketing strategy is different between traditional PCB shops and ones seeking to globalization. International marketing is much more crucial as global key PCB players outsourcing high-layer-count PCB to those capable suppliers. This research would prioritize all major factors of globalization with AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process: AHP) after all interview with PCB suppliers, reference and research papers from the fields. According to conclusion from this research, it can provide a great reference of globalization to PCB suppliers from Taiwan.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463120
Appears in Collections:Thesis