標題: 以層級分析法探討木吉他產業供應商評選模式之研究
Applying AHP to Investigate Supplier Selection for Acoustic Guitar Industry
作者: 胡馨予
Hu, Hsin-Yu
Chen, Mu-Chen
關鍵字: 吉他產業;供應商評選;層級分析法(AHP);供應鏈;Guitar Industry;Supplier Selection;Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP);Supply Chain
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 音樂市場的產值龐大,吉他樂器產業從2008年遭遇金融海嘯危機之後,銷售額漸漸穩定回升,2014年全球樂器市場銷售達160億美元。美國是全球音樂產品市場銷售的最主要國家,銷售比率為40.6%;而其吉他市場裡,銷售最佳的即為木吉他。臺灣的吉他樂器製造商從90年代開始因為成本考量出走至中國設廠,但由於多為中小企業,為與世界大廠競爭,供應鏈的管理更形重要,而供應商選擇也成為吉他廠商最先面臨到的挑戰。 本研究蒐集國內外相關文獻與專家意見作為研究基準考量,透過層級分析法(AHP)建立背側板供應商之評選架構。準則層要素分別為:「價格」、「品質」、「交期」、「服務」與「公司營運能力」,再針對個案公司內部進行訪談與專家問卷,歸納出權重高低,並於這五個準則要素下之分析三間背側板供應商,研究結果可作為日後吉他產業在評選供應商作業之決策依據。
The music products industry has created a tremendous amount of revenue. In 2014, the retailing sales reached $16 billions, gradually recovered from the financial crisis in 2008. Among all the other countries, The United States with market share of 40.6% is the primary selling market. And acoustic guitar is the best selling product of all. The acoustic guitar manufacturers in Taiwan has closed the local plants to China under cost evaluation since 1990s. For these small and medium enterprises, it is front and center to have exceptional supply chain management to compete with other world-renowned corporations. Colleting related literatures and expert opinions as research fundamental basis, selection framework of ribs and back side suppliers is established through analytic hierarchy process (AHP). “Price”, “Quality”, “Delivery”, “Service”, and “Management” are criteria and thus conceived numerical weight. Suppliers are analyzed after company internal interviews and expert questionnaires. The result can be a supplier selection reference for further guitar manufacturing industry.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079971508