Title: 統包工程業供應商評選之研究
A Study of Supplier Selection for EPC/TurnKey Projects
Authors: 周文萍
Chou, Wen-Ping
Chiang, Chi
Keywords: AHP 層級分析法;供應商評選;統包工程;EPC;EPC Project;TurnKey Project;Supplier Selection;AHP
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 當公司執行統包工程採購時,一定有其目的並與其公司日後發展有重大相關;除此外依據各專案需求編列預算、時程、與品質要求,而使各專案能如期、如質、如預算完成。一般企業中採購成本約佔企業營業額六成左右;而在統包工程業中,採購成本更可超過八成左右。由此可知採購成本為影響獲利的重大關鍵因素,而在統包工程中,因產業特性較特殊,約有一半以上的採購項目會因工程專案設計與特性不同有相當大的差異,而不適當的供應商時常造成工期延誤、品質不佳造成工地施工損失,除了成本增加外;甚至在試車或正式營運時發生意外,公司除損失金錢外並對公司的信譽造成重大傷害。因此本論研究目的在探討在統包工程業中,影響供應商評選的構面與要素為何?以及各構面與要素的排序以及其權重。 本研究由文獻整理建構出評選架構,並透過專家意見調查確認要素與構面具有相當的內容校度,最後由AHP層級分析法分析由統包工程業中各部門專家填寫結果,進 行各構面與要素的權重分析。 研究結果顯示於統包工程業中,供應商評選構面排序依序為:品質、專業技術力、交期與服務、價格與供應商背景;由分析結果得知品質與專業技術能力此兩構面重要性佔了六成以上。而在評選要素前三名的排序為:產品品質、產品可靠度與穩定 度與準時交貨。
This thesis is intended to provide a study of supply chain appraisal through procurement cost management in EPC Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) industry. Every EPC project carries clients expectation, company reputation, and prosperity of the future growth. To achieve these goals, each EPC project is tested and facing the challenge to meet the constraints of budget, schedule, and quality while executing procurement activities. In general business, 60% of the corporate revenue will be contributed to procurement cost; in some businesses, such as EPC, the percentage of procurement cost is even higher, up to 80%. Due to the distinct nature of EPC industry, more than half of the procured items are varied from projects and so are their suppliers. The incompetence and inadequate suppliers will mostly lead to catastrophic accident, poor quality, and overdue schedule in constructing, commissioning, and even in operating stage. The potential hit to corporate’s reputation from its accidents and adversities poses a greater risk than associated financial costs. This article discusses and reveals the key factors of suppliers’ selection and their priorities as well as significance; and further, it shows how the procurement cost will be the key between business surplus and deficit.This study collects and scrutinizes empirical data combining with field surveys and adopting AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) to savvy the weight factor and relationship between each key aspects of assessment. The result explicitly reflects the quality, professionalism, punctuality, post business service, and proficiencies are the major elements dominating the suppliers’ selection in EPC industry.Throughout the study, over 60% of the statistics data are in favor of suppliers’ quality and professionalism be the most important factors over the others.The top three key elements of the ranking are: Product quality, reliability, stability and punctuality.
Appears in Collections:Thesis