Title: 台灣半導體公司員工餐廳供應商評選模式 - 以M公司為研究對象
The Supplier Selection Model for The Employee Cafeteria in Taiwaness Semiconductor Company-Case Study of M Company
Authors: 陳姮諭
Chen, Heng-Yu
Chiang, Chi
Keywords: 供應商評選;層級分析法;員工餐廳;Supplier Selection;AHP;Employee Cafeteria
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本研究目的以探討台灣半導體公司員工餐廳供應商評選時,所考量的關鍵因素為何,以M公司做為主要研究對象,藉由文獻探討篩選出評選供應商時的相關構面及準則,前測問卷依李克特五點量表,保留構面及準則,再將正式問卷結果應用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)評選出各構面及考量的準則重要性排序。    主構面重要性排序,最高的是品質,其次是價格、服務、技術、綠色環保。在前五大衡量準則重要性依序為食品安全衛生(品質)、產品價格競爭力(價格)、產品可靠度(品質)、產品品質一致性(品質)、危機處理能力(服務)。顯示品質仍是作為員工餐廳評選供應商時的主要考量,可提供台灣半導體公司員工餐廳供應商評選之參考。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the key factors in the selection process of supplers for the employee cafeteria of a Taiwaness semiconductor company. The ques-tionnaire is based on the Likert five-point scale. In the related literature review, several dimentions and factors have been selected to conduct a pretest validation evaluation. After the pretest validation, the top singnificant factors are the identified by the methodology of analytical hierarchy process(AHP). The priority of the major dimentions for the supplier selection are, in sequence, quality, price, services, technical Capability, and environmental protection. The top five major evaluation criteria in order of importance are;food sanitation (quality) , price competitiveness (price), product reliability (quality), product quality conformance (quality), crisis management (services). Thus, this study concludes that quality is the main criteria when the subject companies conduct the selection of suppliers for the employee cafeteria at a semiconductor company.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463125
Appears in Collections:Thesis