標題: 利用層級分析法探討顯示器驅動IC設計產業對委外晶圓代工廠商評選之研究
An Application of AHP Analysis on Selection of Wafer Foundry for Display Driver IC Design House
作者: 郭礽方
Kuo, Ren-Fan
Chiang, Chi
關鍵字: 顯示器驅動IC;層級分析法;供應商評選;TFT-LCD;Driver IC;AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process);Supplier Selection
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 工研院日前分析,中國IC設計業追趕快速,很可能在2016年就超越台灣規模。面對中國金錢、人力到位的狀況,紅色供應鏈對以中國手機、面板驅動IC市場為主的台灣IC業者衝擊最大。在此同時,顯示器驅動IC設計產業在面板價格不斷下降的競爭市場中,往往也成為面板廠獲利壓力之下,降低成本的對象之一。顯示器驅動IC設計產業在同時面臨紅色供應鏈衝擊及面板廠商降價壓力的環境中,將不斷遭遇技術提昇、品質改善與成本降低之壓力。又因其自身無生產工廠(Fabless),因此必須尋求晶圓代工廠生產、製造其所設計開發的產品,晶圓代工生產過程中,從光罩製作、投產、封裝及測試至最後出貨,每一環節皆不可有差錯,使得晶圓代工業者必須與客戶緊密結合,因此晶圓代工不只需提供客戶產品,更是客戶產品價值的創造者。所以要如何有效的評選供應鏈的晶圓代工夥伴,以增加競爭力,則為顯示器驅動IC設計產業的一個重要課題。 本研究以層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),經過專家調查及文獻探討評估出要素後,歸納出顯示器驅動IC 設計業對晶圓代工廠商評選準則。評選準則應考量到的5個構面,分別為交貨、品質、技術、價格及營運管理,以及其下一階的18個準則,再針對專家進行問卷調查、彙整專家意見,歸納出各構面及準則之權重高低,以求取替代方案的優先向量,建構顯示器驅動IC 設計業對晶圓代工廠商的評選模式。
Currently, the pressure of price reduction from the panel company and the emergence of red-supply chain cause the new challenge to display driver IC industry. This challenge includes upgrading technical skills, improving quality and cost down. However, because IC design houses are usually fabless, they have to outsource their production and manufacture to the wafer foundry. This makes a very closed relationship between the wafer foundry and its customer, display driver IC company. Therefore, the foundry is not only the product provider, but also the value creator. Now, it is essential issue for display driver IC companies to increase its competitiveness through selecting their strategy business partner, wafer foundry. Through expert interviews and literature review, this study adopts the methodology of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to develop the foundry selection criteria for the industry of display driver IC design. The selection criteria should take into account five dimensions (Delivery, Quality, Technology, Price, and Operational Management) and 18 guidelines. Then the selection weights the scores of dimensions and guidelines to develop alternatives and creates a robust selection model for the display driver IC design.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363103