標題: 快速時尚品牌之Facebook粉絲專頁經營與促銷對消費者購買意願的影響 —以台北市成年消費者為例
A Study on the Effect of Fast Fashion Brands Facebook Fan Page’s Operation and Promotion on Purchase Intention— The Case of Adult Consumers in Taipei
作者: 楊珞抒
Yang, Lo-Shu
Chen, Guang-Hua
Chiang, Chi
關鍵字: 快速時尚;促銷活動;粉絲專頁經營衡量;購買意願;Fast Fashion;fan page management;promotional activities;purchase intention
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 近年來主打快速、便宜、時髦的「快速時尚」興起,隨著Uniqlo、Zara、H&M進駐台灣,讓消費者不用再去百貨公司,也能買到具有一定時尚感的服飾。 主打快速時尚的服飾品牌,因為汰換衣服的快速,流行服飾隨時在變化,所以在Facebook粉絲專頁進行宣傳與行銷,讓消費者即時取得最新訊息,為一重要的網路行銷手法,以隨時和消費者互動,進而增加店內買氣。 本研究採用哈佛修正模型做為消費者行為理論基礎;研究變數則分為人口統計變數、資訊來源變數、購買動機變數、產品屬性變數、粉絲專頁經營衡量變數、促銷活動變數、購買意願變數共七組變數。本研究透過網路問卷之方式,對台北市成年消費者進行抽樣調查,總計回收498份,扣除無效問卷之後有效問卷共468份,且利用統計軟體SPSS進行因素分析、卡方檢定、變異數分析。 研究結果顯示,不同人口統計變數之消費者對於快速時尚服飾之產品屬性重視程度有顯著差異,粉絲專頁經營衡量與購買意願之間也有顯著正關聯性。本研究建議快速時尚服飾業者,針對不同的族群訂定不同的市場區隔與行銷策略,並且透過Facebook粉絲專頁經營,釋出新產品相關訊息,有效引起消費者討論與關注。
In recent years, cheap and fashionable "fast fashion" rise, such as Uniqlo, Zara, H & M. Consumers can buy fashion clothing without going to the department stores. The fast fashion brands are changing fast and there is a lot of competitors. It is essential to use Facebook fan page for promotion and marketing, so consumers can get the newest information immediately and comment on the posts and share the information, and then increase the chance to buy clothes at the stores. This study uses the Harvard correction consumer behavior model as the framework to analyze the difference between the demographic characteristics of adult consumers in Taipei and information sources, purchase motivation, product attribute,fan page management ,promotional activities, purchase intention. In order to analyze the data, 468 valid questionnaires were collected from adult customers in Taipei, the statistical software SPSS was used to analyze the data. The results show that consumers with different demographic variables have significant differences on product attributes, and there is also a significant positive correlation between purchase intention and fan page management. This study suggests that the fast fashion industry can set different market segments and marketing strategies, also available through the Facebook fan page to release new product-related information, effective in attracting the attention of more consumers.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353118