Title: | 智慧製造導入SSD產業之關鍵成功因素分析: 以L公司為例 A Study on the Key Success Factors of Implementing Smart Manufacturing in SSD Industry: A Case Study of L Company |
Authors: | 蘇正欣 任維廉 Su, Cheng-Hsin 管理學院高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 智慧製造;SSD相關產業;關鍵成功因素;企業資源規劃;製造執行系統;產品生命週期管理;Smart Manufacturing;SSD-related industries;Key Successful Factors;Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP);Manufacturing Execution System (MES);Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Abstract: | 製造業歷經亞當史密斯的分工學說、泰勒、吉爾柏斯的科學管理、福特汽車的大量生產、豐田生產系統、及時生產系統、零存貨生產系統、精實製造及敏捷製造、大量客製等演進基礎上不斷的提升品質、交期及生產力;在生產製造過程中,整合計算、通訊與控制的虛實化系統(CPS),連結物聯網,建構「智慧製造」,形成智慧製造與服務的全新商機與商業模式。
由於智慧製造(Smart Manufacturing)系統的導入過程相當複雜且具有產業特殊性,投入之成本與其所產生效益也可能不明顯,導致在智慧製造之專案評估、製造流程分析、自動化設備建構、製造執行系統(MES)與產品生命週期管理(PLM)建構等各個階段之決策及資源運用的結果,影響了智慧製造專案的成敗。
有鑑於此,本研究透過文獻探討蒐集彙整,及對事先選定的個案公司透過深入訪談、實際觀察、文件及檔案資料收集等方式,輔以非結構化問卷進行個案研究以瞭解成功導入智慧製造之關鍵成功因素; 本研究探討L公司導入智慧製造之關鍵成功因素,研究結果分析出共十五項成功因素,其中歸納出四項關鍵成功因素,包含高階主管的支持與參與、專案團隊的掌控與協調能力、系統使用者的專業能力及製程品質熟悉度及顧問團隊的專業能力。對SSD相關產業而言,本研究所建構之研究模式與經驗具有相當價值,將可提供相關產業未來進一步研究依據,其研究成果亦可延伸擴大至其他產業。最後,藉由個案研究所得之結論,可以供國內相關製造業的借鏡,並作為未來導入智慧製造之參考。 Manufacturing industry undergone a series of transformation from Adam Smith’s “Of the Division of Labour” (1776), Taylor and Gilbreths’ “Scientific Management”, Ford’s Mass Production, Toyota Production System, Just-in-time System (JIT), Zero Inventory Production System, Lean Manufacturing and Agile Manufacturing, to Mass Customization, in order to achieve more refined quality, delivery and production. A more advanced business model could be found in the combination of Cyber-Physical System (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), and Smart Manufacturing. Implementing Smart Manufacturing is often acknowledged as a complex and industry-specific process and thus leads to uncertain outcomes during beginning stages of the implementation. To successfully achieve smart manufacturing implementation, overall project evaluation, analysis of manufacturing process, development of automatic equipment, Manufacturing Execution System (MES), and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) play a crucial role in the whole process. With a bulk of literature reviews, series of in-depth interviews in accordance with unstructured questionnaires, and on-site observation, the present investigated the key successful factors of implementing smart manufacturing. The findings illustrated four key successful factors of smart manufacturing implementation of L Company out of fifteen factors, including involvement and support of the executives, collaboration of the project team, professional competence of the system users and their acknowledgement toward process quality, and professional competence of the consultants. The results of the present study imply high value in SSD industry of its smart manufacturing implementation. In addition, the results can also serve as references to related manufacturing industries in the country or other fields for future implementation. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463044 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/140738 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |