Title: IC製造業之產業結構、關鍵成功因素及競爭策略之研究-以新竹科學工業園區積體電路製造廠商為例
A Study of Industrial Structure , Key Success Factors and Competitive Strategies of Integrated Circuit Industry in Taiwan - A Case Study of Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Companies in Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park
Authors: 伍琇鉅
Tzong-Yau Chu
Keywords: 積體電路;半導體;五力分析;產業結構;關鍵成功因素;競爭策略;IC;Semiconductor Industry;Five Forces Analysis;Industrial Structure;Key Success Factors;Competitive Strategy
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 半導體產業已是台灣重要的經濟命脈,尤其在建立、推廣與提昇台灣高科技形象的貢獻方面,實扮演了極為關鍵性的角色。然而,我國積體電路(IC)產業所面對的環境與十年前不同,現今有許多企業所面對的競爭是全球性的,而不再只是本國性的;因此,競爭策略的有無及其策略品質的良劣,在產業結構的環盡變遷下與本身企業所擁有的關鍵成功因素,實為企業營運成敗的主因。
本研究模型是基於Porter(1980)的五力分析,就五個競爭動力的議價力量加以分析,探討其產業結構;應用David Aaker (1984)的關鍵成功因素定義,研究IC製造產業關鍵成功因素。並利用Porter (1980)發表之競爭模式,三個一般性競爭策略:(一)低成本策略(二)差異化策略(三)集中化策略,作為策略研擬之基礎,並佐以問卷及專家訪談對子因素做權重比較以分析未來趨勢等,供半導體製造廠商及後續研者參考。
Semiconductor Industry is most important economic lifeline in Taiwan,and it plays a extreme key factor in building Taiwan high technology image. However,Taiwan IC industry faces different environment of old ten years ; not only native,but also global competition. Therefore,changing of industrial structure and owning key success factors of the enterprise,the enterprise which has competitive strategies or not and its quality is success or failure factor.
The assumption model of this research is to analyze structure analysis the which are based on Michael E. Porter(1980) five forces analysis,finding its industrial structure. Using the Key Success Factors definition of David Aaker(1984) researches IC manufacturing companies whose key success factors. To use Porter’s competitive model,three competitive strategies :(一)Low Cost Strategy (二)Differentiation Strategy(三)Focus Strategy. With the help of questionnaires & expert interviews to weigh the sub-factors, its ultimate aim is to forecast the future trends as the basis of strategy planning for private enterprise & follow-up researchers.
In this study, Taiwan IC manufacturing managers think the effects of IC manufacturing industry are “Quality of supplier’s product”, because it will affect IC process or product yield rate; “Large-volume purchase from a buyer” is a showing of that the buyer treats a IC manufacturer as a major supplier; the winning point for new entrants is to get “Monopoly technology”; “Substitutes’ functionality powerful”, and its influences will strong ; “Numerous or well-matched in strength competitors” must harass market price.
Secondly , through the factors grade ,finding the major key success factors of IC manufacturing industry in Taiwan is “Technical advantages of the company” , and the more important key success factors are as follows , “Establishing industrial park” , “The manufacturing advantages of IC company” , “High yield rate of company’s IC ”,and “Complete customer service and product support”.
Moreover ,in this study, the IC manufacturing managers think the most important competition strategy is “Differentiation”. In IC manufacturing industry ,to integrate advanced technology and process is all of IC manufacturers’ ambition and target.
Appears in Collections:Thesis