標題: 我國高科技領導廠商及跟隨廠商之關鍵成功因素與競爭策略之比較分析--以新竹科學工業園區IC設計廠商為例
A Comparative Study of the Key Success Factors and Competitive Strategies of Taiwan’s Leading High Tech Companies and Their Followers-----The Case of selected fabless semiconductor companies in Hsinchu Science Park
作者: 曹正芬
Tsao Cheng Fen
Tzong-Yau Chu
關鍵字: 領導廠商;跟隨廠商;關鍵成功因素;競爭策略;Leader;Follower;Key Success Factors;Competitive Strategy
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 台灣高科技產業歷經四十餘年的發展,為我國經濟發展打下深厚基礎,高科技產業為台灣經濟、社會挹注成長動力,但因其變化快、風險高的特性,使得高科技廠商的經營能力受到嚴格考驗。領導廠商企圖鞏固領先地位,而跟隨廠商為求勝出,頻頻出招,使得高科技產業的領導廠商和跟隨廠商之間競爭呈現動態拉鋸。 領導廠商能夠在產業中取得領導地位,一定有其獨到之處,並且具有跟隨廠商所沒有的技能,領導廠商所處的地位使它有能力發展出更多競爭優勢,但跟隨廠商受限於規模,必須選擇最有利的競爭策略,避免資源浪費。台灣高科技產業具有完整的上中下游供應鏈,IC設計產業為其中一環,由於IC設計產業強調創新,成為近年來企業和創投業者重要投入標的,也是政府重點扶植的產業項目。本研究以新竹科學工業園區IC設計公司為例,選擇五家DVD播放機IC設計公司為樣本廠商,比較分析我國高科技領導廠商和跟隨廠商的關鍵成功因素和競爭策略。 本研究採用Michael E. Porter競爭策略理論架構,以及David A. Aaker策略分析理論,採用問卷調查的方式,比較、分析領導廠商及跟隨廠商的關鍵成功因素及競爭策略。關鍵成功因素是企業所具備突出的資產和能力,是策略形成過程中必須考慮到的環節,本研究探討領導廠商及跟隨廠商的關鍵成功因素與競爭策略的關聯性,以及不同的關鍵成功因素如何影響競爭策略,跟隨廠商之間的比較分析也是本研究探討面向之一。 研究結果顯示,領導廠商和跟隨廠商群以「產品研發能力」、「有能力自行研發關鍵技術」、「領先的設計能力」、「推出新產品的能力」、「研發團隊的整合能力」為必備關鍵成功因素,這五項關鍵成功因素與「差異化策略」密切相關,因此領導廠商和跟隨廠商同重「差異化策略」。此外,領導廠商具有較跟隨廠商群豐富的關鍵成功因素,並且在三大一般性競爭策略的平均得分居冠,遙遙領先跟隨廠商。綜合研究結果顯示,本研究建議,我國高科技廠商可強化差異化策略、落實創新管理、留住人才,領導廠商為維持領先,必須贏家通吃,跟隨廠商則將公司資源用在少數關鍵成功因素,方能以小搏大,提供高科技廠商參考。
Taiwan high tech industries has established and developed for over forty years, which has brought great impacts to Taiwan’s economics. However, the managerial capabilities of high tech companies are confronting severe tests due to high-tech’s rapid change and high risk characteristics. Such situation makes the high tech competition between leaders and followers more rigorous. This study will take the fabless semiconductor companies based in Hsinchu Science Park as examples, selecting five DVD-Player fabless semiconductor companies as sample companies to compare and analyze the key success factors and competitive strategies between high tech leader and followers. This study is framed by the competitive strategy theory of Michael E. Porter and companied with David A. Aaker’s strategic analysis theory. Through the questionnaire method, the key success factors and competitive strategies between leader and followers are thus measured up and examined. The research discloses the results that “Product R&D Capability”, “Self-Developing Key Technology Capability”, “Leading Device Capability”, “New Product Capability”, and “R&D Team’s Integration Capability” constitute the critical success factors. Those five key success factors are closely related to “differentiation strategy”, that means, both leader and followers identically value the “differentiation strategy”; in addition, the leader has more key success factors. This study suggests that Taiwan high tech companies should reinforce their differentiation strategies, implement the innovative management and keep their best workers. More precisely, the leader should be diversified in every respect to successfully hold on to their leading position in the market, and followers should intensify their companies’ resource on few key success factors to get more advantages and competence against leaders. The above mentioned is for high tech companies’ reference.