Title: DRAM設計公司與晶圓製造公司供應鏈系統特性之比較分析
Comparison Analysis of SCM System Characteristics Between DRAM Fab and Fabless Companies
Authors: 孫世昌
Charles Sun
Dr. Anthony Fu-Wha Han
Keywords: DRAM產業分析;設計公司;晶圓製造公司;供應鏈系統特性;關鍵成功因素;策略聯盟;DRAM;Design House;Fab. Company;Strategic Alliances;IDM(Integrated Device Manufacturer)
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: DRAM設計公司與晶圓製造公司原來就是產業供應鏈中的上、下游,在半導體產業發展的初期,設計及製造只是同一公司兩個不同部門。但由於晶圓製造公司使用的製程技術發展得相當快,所需投資金額亦相當龐大;這樣的分工可以讓晶圓製造公司專注於生產技術、產出、成本的改善,設計公司可專注於將產品設計得有更好的效能。一如其他產業之垂直分工,各個公司將自已的專業(即核心競爭力)做到最好,就有成功的機會。 本研究除了文獻回顧外,大略分為DRAM產業發展的背景介紹、DRAM設計公司供應鏈之產業特性、DRAM晶圓製造公司供應鏈之產業特性、DRAM設計公司與晶圓製造公司之比較分析、及結論與建議。在兩類公司供應鏈的個別產業特性章節中,本研究採用Chopra與Meindl提出供應鏈的作業循環及如何利用推/拉(Push/Pull)去降低生產前置時間,並以Porter《競爭策略》中的五力分析、Fine《鐘擺的競爭》中藉生物演化的來詮釋產業的演化、Adizes《企業生命週期》中對不同企業生命時期應有的管理風格、Simchi-Levi與Kaminsky共同出版的 “Designing & Managing the Supply Chain”書中對策略聯盟的看法,及Grove在《十倍速時代》中所提的六力分析為理論架構。探討DRAM設計公司及晶圓製造公司之供應鏈特性。本研究分別對組織特性、競爭力分析、五力分析、供應鏈系統應具備之功能提出本研究的見解。並進一步對兩類公司作比較分析,分別以關鍵成功因素、組織因素、決策時機因素、工具及方法因素、進行探討。最後在結論與建議時,對此兩類公司過去的成功經驗做結論及未來的發展契機提供建議。
Abstract DRAM Circuit Design and Wafer Fabrication are the consecutive processes in the supply chain of the semiconductor industry. Circuit design & wafer fabrication used to be undertaken by different departments in a company. Rapid development of process technologies has led to companies’ having to invest greatly in new facilities. The division of these processes has enabled. Wafer Fab Companies to focus on improving the process, output and cost of wafer fabrication. Design Houses can now focus on designing better products. As in all cases of vertical division, companies who can perform very well in their core competence have the best changes of success. This thesis refers to the theoretical skeleton of Chopra & Meindl’s Operation Process of SCM & Push/Pull to reduce the lead time, Porter’s Five Competitive Forces of“Competitive Strategy”, Fine’s “Clock Speed” which considers similarities between biological evolution and industry, Adizes’ “Corporate Lifecycle”, which considers the different managerial styles that prevail in different corporate lifecycle phases, Simchi-Levi and Kaminsky’s “Designing & Managing the Supply Chain”, and Grove’s Six Competitive Forces, which concern strategic alliances to compare and analyze the SCM characteristics of DRAM Fab(Wafer Fabrication) and Fabless(Design House) companies. This study presents the background of the DRAM business、the supply chain characteristics of DRAM fabless companies, the supply chain characteristics of DRAM fab companies, and a comparative analysis of DRAM fabless companies and fab companies. In the chapters on the characteristics of individuals in a supply chain system, organizational characteristics, an analysis of five competitive forces, competitive strength, and the necessity of supply chain management. In the chapter on comparative analysis, the studies focus on the key success factors, and factors of organization, timing, and tools and methods. The final chapter offers key reason in the two industries & offers some suggestions to increase the profitability of companies in the two industries.
Appears in Collections:Thesis