Title: 台灣DRAM產業IDM與Design house競爭力比較
A Competition Analysis between IDM and Design House of DRAM in Taiwan
Authors: 周奎成
Chou, Kwei-Cheng
Keywords: DRAM;IDM;Design House;競爭力分析;DRAM;IDM;Design House;Competition Analysis
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本研究擬探討台灣DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory)產業現況以及未來趨勢。台灣雖位居第三大DRAM產業國,但美韓兩國三家公司(三星、海力士、美光)合計市佔率高達90%,因此台灣DRAM產業面臨國際競爭者的挑戰相當嚴峻。因DRAM屬於高資本密集產業,台灣DRAM產業又分為IDM(Integrated Device Manufacturer)和Design House兩類型的公司。IDM公司包辦設計到生產,Design House則專注於設計,製造是交由晶圓代工廠。本文針對兩種類型的廠商進行質化與量化的競爭力比較,透過「SWOT分析」、「五力分析」、「資產負債表」和「杜邦方程式」進行個別與綜合性分析。研究得知台灣IDM廠相比Design House廠具有垂直整合製造彈性、技術領先、議價能力高、無須仰賴代工廠與毛利高等優勢;而Design House廠則比IDM廠具有較低固定資本投資、產品跨領域設計彈性高、攤提折舊費用低與多角化產品銷售市場大等優勢。IDM和Design House公司兩者共同面臨的挑戰與機會如下:因工業4.0與行動穿戴裝置DRAM市場看漲、產品壽命週期短、台灣DRAM內需市場與產業規模較小、政府扶植的資源與中國大陸政府相比顯著較少。
This research attempts to explore the current situation and future trend of DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) industry in Taiwan. Two South Korean DRAM companies (Samsung and Hynix) and one USA DRAM company (Micron) account for 90% market share. Therefore, the challenge facing Taiwan DRAM industry is fierce. Because DRAM manufacturing is capital-intensive, there are two types of DRAM companies in Taiwan: IDM (integrated design manufacturing) and Design House. IDM companies design and manufacture DRAM, yet Design House companies focus on design and outsource manufacturing to foundry companies. This study compares the competitiveness of these two types of companies (IDM and Design Houses), through the "SWOT analysis", "five force analysis", "balance sheet" and "DuPont equation" for individual and comprehensive analysis. The result show that the advantages of IDM include (1) vertical integration manufacturing flexibility, (2) leading technology, (3) high bargaining power, (4) higher profits due to including manufacturing functions. The advantages of Design House include (1) lower fixed capital investment, (2) product design flexibility which reduces the variation of revenues, (4) low depreciation cost and diversification of product portfolio. IDM and Design House companies both face the opportunities and challenges: bullish market due to industrial 4.0 and mobile devices to wear, short product life cycle, smaller domestic market than foreign industrial scale, and smaller support of government than China.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463040
Appears in Collections:Thesis