标题: 封闭式泡沫铝材料之剪力机械性质
Mechanical Shear Properties of Closed-cell Aluminum Foam
作者: 魏士闵
Wei, Shih-Min
Jang, Wen-Yea
关键字: 泡沫材料;剪力机械性质;霍普金森扭转杆;foam material;mechanical shear properties;split-Hopkinson torsional bar
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究目标在以实验与模拟之方式,探讨封闭式泡沫铝材料ALPORAS在拟静态及动态下之剪力机械性质。实验中透过纯扭转之方式施加纯剪力负载,以观察泡沫铝材料之扭力响应。实验包含拟静态与动态实验两种,分别以扭力试验机与霍普金森扭转杆进行。拟静态实验主要探讨试样相对密度对各机械参数之影响。典型之拟静态剪应力应变曲线可分为四个区域,分别为线性区、非线性区、剪力破裂区以及材料挤压区,从中可定义包含剪力模数、剪力强度、剪力强度应变以及能量吸收密度等四个剪力机械参数。实验结果发现,剪力模数、剪力强度皆随相对密度增加而提高,剪力强度应变、能量吸收密度与相对密度之关系则较不明显。动态实验主要探讨剪应变率对各机械参数之影响,讨论之剪应变率范围约在400至600 s-1之间。动态实验之剪应力应变曲线与拟静态略有不同,在剪应变0.1后有较大之震荡产生,能量吸收密度之定义较不易,因此只探讨剪力模数、剪力强度及剪力强度应变等三项机械参数。实验结果发现,剪力模数、剪力强度皆随剪应变率提升而增加,但剪力强度应变并未与剪应变率呈正相关。
数值模拟方面,本研究以三维Laguerre tessellation建立封闭式泡沫铝材料之数值模型,以有限元素分析软体ABAQUS模拟泡沫铝材料之扭转试验。拟静态及动态模拟所得之响应曲线与实验结果具有相似趋势,但整体略有高估,推测应为数值模型与实际泡沫材料微观结构差异所致。
The present study aims to investigate the mechanical shear properties of closed-cell aluminum foam ALPORAS under quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions by means of both experimental and numerical efforts. In quasi-static experiments, the foam specimens with different relative densities were tested using a torsion tester in order to assess the effect of relative density on foam mechanical properties. Experimental results indicated that that the foam mechanical parameters including the shear modulus, the shear strength increased with increasing relative densities. In dynamic experiments, on the other hand, foam specimens with similar relative densities were tested using a Split Hopkinson Torsional Bar (SHTB) under different shear strain rates in order to evaluate the effect of the shear strain rate on foam mechanical properties. It was found that the shear modulus and shear strength increased with increasing shear strain rates whereas the dependence of other parameter remained relatively inclusive.
In the numerical simulations, numerical models of were first developed based on three-dimensional Laguerre tessellation algorithm. The finite element analysis software ABAQUS was then incorporated in the numerical simulations. The calculated shear response overestimated the experimental one whereas the overall trends were similar. The discrepancy can be attributed to the difference in detailed microstructural characteristics between the real foam and numerical models.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070351065